Advice On Home Business
It’s amazing to me the number of weight loss/ fitness gimmicks that are out there and even more amazing that people spend so much money on them. People talk about the secrets of weight loss, well the secret is, there is no secret nutrient, no magic pill or miraculous piece of equipment. Good nutrition is just not that difficult. If it were we would have died off a long time ago. I see in magazines, on the Internet and on t.v. programs that are basically…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 31, 2009 at 23:50 — No Comments
Obesity is one of the biggest health challenges we face nowadays. Almost 1 in 4 adults in England are currently obese and the experts predict that if we do not do anything about it three-quarters of the population could suffer the ill effects of excess weight within the next 10 to 15 years.
The problem is growing rapidly and the costs are soaring. The NHS estimated cost to treat obese and overweight individuals is around £4.2 billion and is…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 30, 2009 at 23:00 — No Comments
The principle of Dukan Diet, also called Protal Diet, is to fight obesity by eating lean protein and reducing carbohydrates and lipids until desired weight loss is achieved. This plan does not provide quantitative restrictions, but only qualitative restrictions.
The sharp reduction of carbohydrates and lipids requires the body to tap into its fat reserves. The absorption of protein allows the body to retain muscle mass.
Furthermore, proteins are…
Added by David Ogden on August 29, 2009 at 23:50 — No Comments
Weight reduction is something that many if not all are concerned. With the skyrocketing population of folk dying of a number of medical problems that is why most of us now are getting into the hype of weight reduction and at the same time to fitness.
However, how would you know if a weight loss program actually works? Like every other products, you may just know if it is efficient or not after you attempted it for a number of days. If it won’t…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 28, 2009 at 23:57 — No Comments
Today let's talk a little about carbs. As you hopefully know by now, carbs are not the enemy. You just need to choose the right kinds, at the right time of day.
People are often surprised at how simple it is: choose natural carbs over processed (man-made) carbs.
That is, anything picked from the ground or the tree is natural, such as fruits and veggies, potatoes and yams, beans, brown rice, oats, etc. And anything processed…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 28, 2009 at 2:47 — No Comments
Many people ask me if weight loss is affected by alcohol. A couple drinks on the weekend and or on special occasions probably won't have any major impact on your fat loss results (although I would encourage you to consider the mind set that EVERYTHING you do either helps or hurts).
A drink or two on occasions is a part of enjoying life for many people, and it's important to find lifestyle balance for the sake of your long term happiness and…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 27, 2009 at 0:15 — No Comments
Weight loss has a number of immediate benefits for your body. With a proper body weight you are much more active and energetic. People are generally considered overweight due to the over abundance of fat in their body. Thus to reduce your weight, you need to get rid of the fats stored in your body. This will leave you feeling much better and produce many advantages. These are; better cardio-vascular functioning, higher metabolism rate and digestion, better…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 26, 2009 at 0:25 — No Comments
Three universal goals most of us share are: to live longer, to live free of illness and to control our weight. Interesting enough, normal walking lets us achieve all three.
In fact, walking may be man's best medicine for slowing the aging process. First, it works almost every muscle in the body, improving circulation to the joints and massaging the blood vessels (keeping them more elastic). Walking also helps us maintain both our muscle mass and…
Added by David Ogden on August 24, 2009 at 23:23 — No Comments
In order to make the most of your weight loss program, finding the most effective ways to burn fat will maximize your results and minimize your waistline! Follow these 10 tips for fat burning if you want to lose weight and lead a healthier way of life.
Added by David Ogden on August 24, 2009 at 0:29 — No Comments
One day, carbs are the enemy. Next, pills and injections will be the thing to do. After that, everyone will be rushing to detoxify their body of toxins that cause weight gain. It seems everyone is in search of the Holy Grail of weight loss, that mythological easy weight-loss plan that works for everyone.
Before you take the bait on the next fad diet, here are a few weight loss related myths — and the cold hard facts — from some local experts in the…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 22, 2009 at 23:31 — No Comments
Natural Pain Relief and Home business Success
You have to read this story about Tula Savisky. These testimonies just fire off my jets and launch me into another mission orbit. I love hearing how people are having life transformations with TriVita.
Tula joined TriVita in December 2008, not thinking she was going to make a lot of money, but in hopes that TriVita would be different than her past business experiences. Someone she knew in an online community referred…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 21, 2009 at 23:34 — No Comments
Today I thought I'd take a moment to explain the importance of protein and its role in fat loss.
It's very important to balance ALL meals and snacks with carb-rich and protein-rich foods together. A meal with carbohydrates alone is problematic
because glucose levels shoot up and then crash down. This can leave you
feeling tired, hungry, and weak - and gives your body an easy opportunity
to convert that meal to…
Added by David Ogden on August 20, 2009 at 23:07 — No Comments
Here are some great tips on weight loss without surgery. I know that you have probably seen these before but hey it’s very important because I see all these people that want to lose weight but don’t know how to or they don't have the determination. I always say that if there is something that you don't like about yourself change it. There is no sense in sitting around on that couch and being jealous of everyone else because you are feeling insecure. Here…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 19, 2009 at 23:43 — No Comments
Inspired by my conversations with clients today I thought I would address the “Dieting” issue. There are so many do’s and dont’s out there and so many myths to debunk. So, let’s dive in and discuss how 90% of people fail at diets but the majority of people succeed at “clean eating”
First off what is clean eating? Clean eating is supplying your body with the nutrients it needs, while trying to eat more healthy foods such as; fruits, vegetables, lean…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 18, 2009 at 23:32 — No Comments
Many people give up on weight loss simply because they are afraid of the monthly gym memberships and expensive healthy foods. However, weight loss does not have to be costly. There are many things you can do in order to make your dieting experience affordable. In this article I will list some of the ways you can save on various weight loss expenses.
Added by David Ogden on August 18, 2009 at 0:32 — No Comments
How To Use Telephone Numbers and find Names and Addresses
Tired of prank calls? Need to know who is calling your spouse in the middle of the night? Or maybe you’re just looking for a little more information on a particular phone number…
Phone books, like the White and Yellow Pages, can be a great resource when you need to find a person, address, or company. But what happens when you don’t have a name to look up? After all, when a name is the information you seek, a…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 17, 2009 at 0:05 — No Comments
For the most part, people do not care about their health until they have lost it. In the meantime, almost everyone hires a personal trainer for one reason: They want to look better naked. Some club owners and personal trainers have a problem with that. That’s fine. But these same clubs and trainers are usually the ones who are struggling to make ends meet.
There is a reason that diets, diet pills, miracle potions and the like sell so well — they…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 16, 2009 at 23:18 — No Comments
There are certain things about weight loss products that don’t quite ring true with the average dieter. For one, the monotony on the claims made by the manufacturers of weight loss products is quite obvious. It’s no longer unique to hear a weight loss product boast of its ability to boost the energy while eliminating the fat. And what’s worse, most of these claims are not true, anyway. They are just made in an effort to promote the products sold in the…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 15, 2009 at 23:25 — No Comments
The need to lose weight may have become a part of everyday life, but that hasn't made it an easy goal to achieve. We work at it and we struggle with it, that being said, it is very important to know that you can succeed. There are some selected ways to losing weight effectively and safely. Weight gain and Weight loss are directly related to the balance between the calories you take in, such as your daily food and the calories you burn through daily…
ContinueAdded by David Ogden on August 15, 2009 at 0:02 — No Comments
Frustrated with weight loss? You may feel as though all the hard work put forth is not effective. Consider these factors associated with eating and weight loss.
Added by David Ogden on August 13, 2009 at 22:55 — No Comments
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