Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Desperate To Lose Weight

One day, carbs are the enemy. Next, pills and injections will be the thing to do. After that, everyone will be rushing to detoxify their body of toxins that cause weight gain. It seems everyone is in search of the Holy Grail of weight loss, that mythological easy weight-loss plan that works for everyone.

Before you take the bait on the next fad diet, here are a few weight loss related myths — and the cold hard facts — from some local experts in the field.

The myth: The less you eat, the more weight you will lose.

The fact: There is no reason to be hungry all the time in order to lose weight. You are better off to eat 5-7 small meals than 3 larger ones.

The myth: Your body needs to be cleansed of harmful toxins that cause weight retention.

The fact: All this does is get rid of water weight. As soon as you start drinking water again, the weight will come back.

The myth: You need to weigh yourself often while on a weight-loss plan in order to gauge the success.

The fact: A scale is not the best indicator of a successful weight-loss plan. People get frustrated when they don’t see significant weight loss right away. The fact is, muscle does weigh more than fat and because of that, they should use other ways to track the success of their plan (like measuring body fat).

The myth: A low-carb diet is healthy.

The fact: Some people go on low-carb diets without really having a true understanding of what they can and cannot eat. Diets that eliminates fruits and vegetables can’t be healthy. Complex carbohydrates, like the ones found in fruits and vegetables, are good for the body and can promote weight loss.

Click Here for a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss to help you get you back on track, if you are desperate to lose weight.

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