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Advice On Home Business

Desperate to lose Weight

The principle of Dukan Diet, also called Protal Diet, is to fight obesity by eating lean protein and reducing carbohydrates and lipids until desired weight loss is achieved. This plan does not provide quantitative restrictions, but only qualitative restrictions.
The sharp reduction of carbohydrates and lipids requires the body to tap into its fat reserves. The absorption of protein allows the body to retain muscle mass.
Furthermore, proteins are much less caloric than fat and you will appreciate the fact that you can eat as much lean protein as you want.

Phase 1 of Dukan Diet

In this phase of the diet, the foods allowed are:

  • Lean meat: veal, beef, horse
  • Some offal: liver, kidney and tongue of veal and beef
  • Fresh or smoked fish, surimi
  • Seafood (shellfish, crustaceans);
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey (except duck and goose) without the skin
  • Lean ham and cold cuts
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products to 0% fat, skimmed milk
  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day
The foods should be cooked without fat and can be eaten in unlimited quantities, except the egg yolks (risk of cholesterol) and dairies (no more than 1 kg per day).
Are also allowed, in reasonable quantities: gherkins, herbs and spices, vinegar, mustard oil, paraffin oil, etc ...
You must drink 8 glasses of water every day. Diet soft drinks are also permitted.
This phase lasts from 5 to 10 days depending on the level of obesity and the candidate's motivation ...

Phase 2 of Dukan Diet

In this phase you get to eat the phase 1 foods, plus the following:

  • Vegetables, except avocado and artichoke
  • Soy and tofu, pressed, smoked or silky
However, carrots and beets should be consumed in moderation and not at every meal.
The foods must also be cooked without fat. Meat and fish are still more important than vegetables. Water consumption remains very important..
Salads can be accompanied by fat-free sauces.
Phase 2 consists in alternating 5 days of protein (PV) and vegetables with 5 days of pure protein (PP), as you did in phase 1.
This phase should last until you reach your desired weight.

Phase 3 of Dukan Diet

The foods are the same as those of phase 2, plus:

  • 2 slices of bread a day
  • 1 serving of hard cheese per day
  • 1 serving of fruit per day
  • 2 servings of starches per week
  • 2 free dinner meals per week
During the free dinner meals, all foods are allowed (including previously forbidden foods such as sugar or oil) on the express condition that you take only one serving of each dish and that you choose between cheese and dessert. You cannot have two free meals on the same day.

Phase 4 of Dukan Diet One day per week, on Thursday, according to Dr. Dukan, it is necessary to have a "PP" day as you were doing during Phase 1.
Dr. Dukan recommends that Phase 4 will last 10 days lost per kilo (2 lbs) during the first 2 phases, for example, 150 days for an individual who has lost 15 kilos.

Life After Dukan Diet

After reaching your goal, you will resume a normal diet with two exceptions:

  • You need to maintain a "Thursday PP day" (as in phase 1, eggs and dairy products not allowed)
  • You will eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day for the rest of your life
According to Dr. Dukan, oat bran reduces the absorption of calories in the small intestine.

Click Here for a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss to help you get you back on track, if you are desperate to lose weight.

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