Desperate To Lose Weight
Frustrated with weight loss? You may feel as though all the hard work put forth is not effective. Consider these factors associated with eating and weight loss.
- Portion sizes – measure out food to learn how much you are really eating. After a few days, you will be able to size up your portions without having to measure.
- Environment – eating while driving, watching television, etc. can be a factor of mindless eating. Try sitting at a table during meals with a set amount of food. If your job requires eating on the run, pack a set portion size to reduce chances of overeating.
- Fullness when eating – eat until you are satisfied, not overly full. Try to eat slowly. Wait 15-20 minutes prior to getting more food; you may feel satisfied after waiting.
- Types of food – consider if you are eating out often. Try to commit to preparing your own foods at home. This gives you more control over portion sizes and how foods are prepared.
- Consistency – weight loss efforts should occur everyday of the week. Consider whether you focus on weight loss only some of the time. Do you often think, "I will start again on Monday?".
Remember that weight gain did not occur overnight and will not be lost overnight. Stick with your goals by making lifestyle modifications that aid in weight loss.
Click Here for a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss to help you get you back on track, if you are desperate to lose weight.
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