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David Ogden's Blog – May 2009 Archive (28)

Desperate to Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

Those initial pounds just seem to melt away when you start a new plan and then, as you get closer to your goal weight… the dreaded plateau derails you. Sound all too familiar?

Don't Panic, just follow these strategies and you will soon be on the road to slimming down and more importantly, staying that way over the long haul.

Strategy number 1: Strength train – Most people think of performing cardio type…


Added by David Ogden on May 31, 2009 at 23:28 — No Comments

Sonoran Bloom - Natural Pain Reliever

Sonoran Bloom

Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Cures Pain

"I have also been suffering from horrible neck and shoulder pain for the past eight months. I contribute my problem to a past injury – a car accident in 1997. For the past few months I started a treatment plan with my chiropractor. I stopped going due to scheduling problems, and began taking Nopalea™. I woke up this past Sunday and was completely pain-free. I thought I must have had a really good night’s sleep. I can honestly…


Added by David Ogden on May 29, 2009 at 23:22 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

There is a very simple answer to this problem, that is common to all diets and reiterated by a another new study proving that weight loss is best explained by energy, or calorie, balance. This study compared diets of various compositions (high protein, low carb, high fiber, low fat, etc…) and the results confirmed once again that it all comes down to the quantity of food consumed.

Give your body more than it needs and fat stores increase.…


Added by David Ogden on May 29, 2009 at 3:25 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

It does not matter how desperate you are to lose weight,you need to consume 6 types of nutrients. Let’s begin with carbohydrates; carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. A few sources of carbohydrates are rice, pasta, and potatoes.

The next nutrient is protein; protein is important for body growth and repairing cells. Good sources of protein are meats, eggs, fish, nuts, and beans.

Fat is another source of energy, which helps to…


Added by David Ogden on May 27, 2009 at 0:23 — No Comments

Are You Desperate To Lose Weight for The Summer?

Desperate to lose weight

Are you one of those individuals? Whilst lots of the people who tell themselves that they need to lose pounds must lose weight, not all do. So, the question that many ask themselves is "Am I Desperate to lose weight?" If that is a question that you have asked yourself before, you may wish to continue reading on.

One of the numerous signs that you could need to shed pounds is if you are obese. Many individuals do not realize that there is a…


Added by David Ogden on May 26, 2009 at 0:42 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

Now, I’m going to share why many men who are desperate to lose weight fail. It’s either one or two things, some lose weight very fast through some form of trend diet, but later regain it. Or some fail to lose weight at all. In fact, some men including me got fatter while making an attempt to lose weight.

Okay, before I give you the explanation so many are not successful at shedding pounds, I need to make something totally clear to…


Added by David Ogden on May 25, 2009 at 0:33 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight - Tips

Desperate to lose weight

People who are desperate to lose weight are always seeking answers, however in the end the method of treatment depends from person to person. People who are obese may suffer from many types of disorders like high blood pressure, high sugar levels in the body, hypertension, gall bladder and gout problems. Hence it is necessary for them to not just know how to lose weight but also strive hard achieve it.

There are many books available in the…


Added by David Ogden on May 24, 2009 at 1:26 — No Comments

Weight Loss and Sleep

Desperate to lose weight

If you are trying to lose weight, a good night’s sleep might helps and I gave you some tips earlier on losing weight whilst you sleep

A new study found a link between sleep and weight. Study participants who were so-called short sleepers (meaning they got less than six hours per night) tended to have on average a higher body mass index, or BMI, than long…


Added by David Ogden on May 19, 2009 at 22:17 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

Many people in the US are desperate to lose weigh often as a result of eating quick and easy fast food, did you know that a McDonald’s double cheeseburger contains around 460 calories and that will need over an hours of moderate exercise to burn off.

If you are desperate to lose weight you need to have a three pronged method

  1. Avoid all fast food and change your diet to include fresh vegetable fruits and lean meat.
  2. Check…

Added by David Ogden on May 19, 2009 at 6:37 — No Comments

Are you Remembering Memorial Day

Many people are looking forward to an extended weekend courtesy of Memorial day which remembers those who have lost their lives in the service of their country protecting your freedom. The USA continues to put people in harms way and you probable know of someone who has lost a loved one , a Son, Daughter, Mother, Father, Husband or wife, so before you go away, why not send out a real real card, letting them know you care about the sacrifice they have made.

To send out…


Added by David Ogden on May 18, 2009 at 1:33 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

Weight loss is one of the hottest subjects these days. And why not! Ever since it was found that obesity is the leading cause behind several of the killer diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, kidney problems, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, etc., people all over the world are gearing up for quick weight loss.

Unfortunately, weight loss doesn’t happen as easily and quickly as it seems. However desperate you are to lose weight…


Added by David Ogden on May 17, 2009 at 22:07 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

Natural health products can help you if you are desperate to lose weight, for example Guarana is a well known supplement, which is a caffeine based stimulant with a diuretic effect so it helps speed up the system and burn off calories at the same time. Its side effects outweigh its efficacy as an herbal weight loss supplement with some potentially negative effects like high blood pressure, nausea, dizziness and anxiousness for example.



Added by David Ogden on May 17, 2009 at 0:30 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

Hydroxycut Taken Off the Shelves

About a week ago the The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalled some Hydroxycut products whichDiet pill alter - hydroxycut taken off shelves were found to cause a number of serious liver injuries.

“The FDA has received 23 reports of serious health problems ranging from jaundice and elevated liver enzymes, an indicator of potential liver injury, to liver damage requiring liver transplant. One…


Added by David Ogden on May 15, 2009 at 22:30 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

Are you self defeating your diet efforts when you are desperate to lose weight by eating comfort foods

This negative thinking is invariably the product of negative "programming" we picked up in childhood from parents, teachers, etc., but for many

reasons, the unhealthy eating that results may not become a serious problem

until we reach adulthood.

As you might guess, will power is a very ineffective tool for solving this…


Added by David Ogden on May 15, 2009 at 1:48 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

Sometimes you are faced with a challenge when you are on a diet and desperate to lose weight, you have to eat out at a restaurant, perhaps its a business meeting or a must attend function, so here are some tips to assist you.

The first thing you need to do is use common sense. Here's a quick list of things that'll help you survive any restaurant.

  • Go for the chicken or fish.
  • Avoid fried food.
  • Unless it's…

Added by David Ogden on May 13, 2009 at 23:54 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

A big part of a healthy weight loss diet are exercise, enough sleep and healthy eating habits. Consult a dietitian or a nutritionist if you are desperate to lose weight. A workout is truly successful when combined with a healthy weight loss diet.

Let’s take a look and see how if you are desperate to lose weight a diet program dovetails perfectly with your exercise regimen. Most people don’t make the correct connection between a weight loss…


Added by David Ogden on May 13, 2009 at 3:53 — No Comments

Desperate to Lose weight

Desperate to lose weight

Here are some tips you can take when you are desperate to lose weight. Everything from healthy nutrition to routine physical activity can have an immense impact upon your weight results. In this short post I will list several tips which can help you attain your desired dress size in no time.

  • Set realistic goals. This is perhaps one of the most important of all steps. People who set their expectations too high often end up quitting…

Added by David Ogden on May 11, 2009 at 23:05 — No Comments

Send Out Real Cards

Today was a good start to the week, as I looked at the back office of my business and discovered that as a result of sending out a few real cards last week to customers who had not ordered products from me recently, I had two new orders.

There are many ways of keeping in contact with customers, with email being the most common method, however with spam filters and the way that many people often change email addresses this is beginning to lose popularity.



Added by David Ogden on May 11, 2009 at 2:00 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

The latest concept if you are desperate to lose weight fast is to firstly clean your system. It is by no means just simply to stretch your imagination but with some procedures it is pretty effective. It is believed that extra pounds will hold extra toxins in our systems. Thus the concept is that cleansing the toxins out of our systems, will in turn shed pounds in quick time.

Cleansing your body

The approach to cleanse your body does…


Added by David Ogden on May 10, 2009 at 22:38 — No Comments

Desperate To Lose Weight

Desperate to lose weight

Before any weight loss tips are discussed, it's important to address some background information about body genetics and why weight loss can be difficult. It is important to note that each person has a different body build. Some people are short and stout while others are tall and thin. Some have big hips and shoulders, and others are short and very muscular. Genetics can determine body shape and a person's natural build just as it does eye colour,…


Added by David Ogden on May 9, 2009 at 22:22 — No Comments

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