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Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss is still a big problem for many people. Natural weight loss is the best way to go because you can count on its permanent effects. You will need to read these tips carefully if you desire that you lose the excess weight and fat natural and permanently. They are very easy to follow tips that only demand discipline from your part.

Eat right food

Many people have a problem with controlling what they take in and…


Added by David Ogden on February 14, 2010 at 23:16 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Every year you put on a few extra pounds over the Chinese new year holidays. After all there are all those tempting taste treats: cookies, homemade candies, and of course rich food and drink. This Chinese new Year not only can you avoid gaining weight, it's possible to lose weight without a huge amount of sacrifice. Here are a few tips to lose weight fast over the Chinese new year..

Before attending a party or gathering, have a few…


Added by David Ogden on February 13, 2010 at 23:30 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

There are a number of tips that you can use to help you successfully lose weight and hopefully achieve your weight loss goals.

As I have said before, when it comes to losing weight, the best thing that you can do is eat healthy.

Eating healthy involves watching the foods that you eat, not necessarily how much food you eat. Of course, you may want to restrict the amount of foods that you eat, when you’re on a diet, but it is…


Added by David Ogden on February 11, 2010 at 23:24 — No Comments

Health and ellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Are you looking for fast ways to lose weight? Have you attempted numerous weight loss tips in the past, only to find they are not very useful? This is common for anyone who needs to lose weight and doesn’t want to wait for slow progress. The weight loss tips presented here will deliver lasting results when used together, and they can be used effectively by anyone.

1: Control carbs

Note that I didn’t say eliminate carbs, cut…


Added by David Ogden on February 11, 2010 at 3:40 — No Comments

Health and Wellnes

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight during menopause is difficult. The trouble with losing weight in menopause simply proves that a womens body is out of balance, because of menopausal changes. Knowing and understanding weight gain after 40 is important for restoring the balance and succeeding with losing weight in menopause.

What we know is that women in menopause are gaining weight because of several factors such as: hormonal changes, less physical…


Added by David Ogden on February 10, 2010 at 1:17 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

An easy way to lose weight is to make water the main drink you drink in the day.

Feel free to drink a glass of orange juice with your breakfast, and then drink just water thought the day to apply this easy way to lose weight tip.

The reason this is a easy way to lose weight fast is because juice and soda are very high in calories and water has none!.

So thought your day remember that the fast and easy way to lose weight…


Added by David Ogden on February 9, 2010 at 0:01 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

If you cannot seem to lose weight fast, you are not alone. The truth is, only 5% of people succeed at permanent weight loss. But you will be happy to know it’s not your fault. The most likely reason you cannot lose weight quickly is that you are going about it the wrong way by buying a diet or weight loss product. The people that make money selling weight loss products aren’t going to be happy I told you this, but here’s the honest truth:…


Added by David Ogden on February 7, 2010 at 23:38 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Facts

Weight Loss Facts – facts about losing fat

Fact #1 – There is no best weight loss program.

Fact #2 – You can NOT turn fat into muscle.

Fact #3 – Spot reduction is impossible – myth about losing fat

Fact #4 – Fast weight loss – you can’t lose weight fast

Fact #5 – There are no weight loss secrets.

Exercise Facts – facts about weightlifting and workouts

Fact #1 – For weight…


Added by David Ogden on February 6, 2010 at 23:42 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

If you really want to know how to lose belly fat without hours in the gym or insane diet programs, then this is the article you must read. For most, belly fat is the last thing to go. After lots of exercise, maybe some weight loss supplements and a healthy diet, there is still that fat left over.

These following tips can help you lose weight all by them selves, but in order to gain the maximum benefit that you want, combine them…


Added by David Ogden on February 5, 2010 at 23:11 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

A friend of mine asserted that being overweight is not a genetic issue. I tend to agree. Some would say they are over weight because it is a genetic problem. I must say this cannot possibly be the matter. If anything;

1. Try analysing the eating habits. In most cases the eating never stops, and what’s eaten? Well, a lot of sugars for instance chocolates, sodas, sweets. If not digested and utilised in form of energy, they are…


Added by David Ogden on February 3, 2010 at 1:43 — No Comments

Health and Wellness - Lose Weight

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Most of overweight people dream of a fast weight loss program that can remove the inches from their bodies in a matter of days but, is it really possible to do so? What is even more important is the question, are such programs safe? Here are some health and wellness tips and tricks that will help you to lose weight quickly without endangering your health.

Drink lots of water. You must already know that the recommended intake of…


Added by David Ogden on February 1, 2010 at 23:10 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

We want things to be quick, easy, and complicated.

How does complicated fit in, you ask? Because we’ve been told “easy come, easy go” and “nothing worth having comes easy” – so we figure if we make the process complicated then that could be considered the hard part and we’re okay.

But in fact, the path to success is usually slow, hard, and simple. This holds true in most instances, but for the sake of this post I will…


Added by David Ogden on January 31, 2010 at 23:00 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

One of the biggest problems that most people face even after they’ve lost weight is that they end up living in constant fear of putting it back on. By now, you’ve surely heard all the stories of people who lost 30 pounds only to put on twice that amount after they slackened their routine just a little.

So you have two alternatives: Either you keep to your routine as strictly as you ever have, or you take steps to ensure that the…


Added by David Ogden on January 30, 2010 at 23:20 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

So many of you want to know how to lose weight fast and some of you want to know the quick diet solution. People today have tried to many different ways to lose that little extra inches that you hate so much.There are several ways that you can lose weight. First, you can use a method that includes a lemon (organic), grade B mable syrup , and ground cayenne pepper this method is called The Master Cleanse.

The second way to lose…


Added by David Ogden on January 30, 2010 at 0:45 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is a tough regardless of weight or level of physical fitness. There are many different ways to lose weight, some more unhealthy than others, but the ones that work are most times the most complicated to pull off.

Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some cases eating less is a key component of losing weight, but in most cases, eating is a necessity if one wishes to lower their own weight.…


Added by David Ogden on January 29, 2010 at 1:50 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, you could be interested in joining a weight loss program. When it comes to joining a weight loss program, you will find that you’ve got a range of different options. If this is your first time joining a program, you could be uncertain as to what you should look for in a weight reduction program.

One of the best ways to go about finding the perfect health and wellness weight loss program…


Added by David Ogden on January 28, 2010 at 0:28 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

Many people who are using various diets and weight loss programs find they just cannot lose weight. In many instances it’s not because of lack of effort on the part that they have failed to get the desired results, but more likely that the diets were not targeting the cause of the being overweight.

If the amount of calories you consume, are more than the body needs, then it is expected to be stored as fat, whatever the food…


Added by David Ogden on January 27, 2010 at 0:05 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Tips

For many of us, weight loss is a chronic endeavor. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to eat a Big Mac over Brussels sprouts or a slice of chocolate cake before celery sticks. All too often, we find ourselves losing weight and then slowly regaining it all back as we lose our resolve. Luckily, there are some tried and tested strategies out there, which alongside a sensible eating plan, will help you lose weight and keep it off. Read on to…


Added by David Ogden on January 25, 2010 at 22:42 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Facts

There’s a secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won’t admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone. In fact, all diets fail MOST OF THE TIME! Don’t we all have a friend who can eat and eat without gaining a pound? Clearly, we’re not all the same, so if you try a weight loss plan that “works for everyone,” and still can’t lose weight, don’t get discouraged. Get a new plan – one that works for you.



Added by David Ogden on January 25, 2010 at 0:06 — No Comments

Health and Wellness - Lose Weight

Health and Wellness Weight Loss Facts

When we lose weight we don’t just lose fat. We lose a combination of body fat, and muscle tissue. For example, studies show that when we diet, the weight we lose is on average 75 percent fat and 25 percent muscle. Furthermore, a relatively high percentage of this weight loss is likely to be water loss. Remember, water accounts for about 70 percent of the total body weight of an average person, with muscle tissue containing roughly 75 percent…


Added by David Ogden on January 24, 2010 at 0:56 — No Comments

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