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David Ogden's Blog – November 2009 Archive (25)

Health and Wellness

An average person faces many ups and downs in his weight throughout his life depending on various stages. If you are terrified by your increasing weight then hold on to this one as it suggests amazing quick weight loss tips. It is very effortless and trouble free way to do so all you need to do is to chase your schedule day by day.

Tip#1: Dieticians and experts of this field may ask you to join a weight loss program. However quick weight loss tips does not include starving all day…


Added by David Ogden on November 30, 2009 at 23:16 — No Comments

Health and Wellness -Obesity

If you are obese maybe many people are making fun of you behind your back instead of giving you weight loss tips? Your obesity may cause you you suffer from disorders like high blood pressure, diabetes, gout problems and gall bladder problems. If this is the case then you need a few weight loss tips. The following weight loss tips will lead you in the right direction to lose weight.

The best weight loss tip is to motivate yourself to lose weight. Do not believe in people who promise…


Added by David Ogden on November 29, 2009 at 22:53 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Why you need to eat 25 grams of fibre daily

I'm sure you've heard all the benefits of improving heart and digestive health, but did you know fiber can help you lose fat as well?

Fiber has the ability to expand up to 10 times its weight and size in the stomach. Thus, they make you feel full and satisfied for a longer period. And fiber helps not only by satisfying your appetite, but also by slowing down calorie absorption and keeping energy levels up.

Here are some really…


Added by David Ogden on November 28, 2009 at 23:14 — No Comments

Health and Wellness - Lose The Fat

The Winter holiday season is upon us with Thanksgiving just past. The northern Hemisphere is heading to longer dark nights and temptations to eat more comfort found which will turn us into fat couch.So here are some tips to remind you about the the right diet reduces three things: calories, sodium, and fat.

Start with what you drink. Trade a glass of ice water for a bottle of Coke, and you’re avoiding 200 calories. Go with fruit juice and it’s still half the calories of the Coke. When…


Added by David Ogden on November 27, 2009 at 23:22 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Here are seven basic tips for maintaining your health and wellness.

Tip #1: Excellent proteins.

Protein in general is a solid nutrient for you; your body needs it to construct lean muscle instead of even more fat repositories. But make the effort to limit high-fat sources of protein, for example, steak, to strictly one to two times a week. The rest of the time, select lower-fat sources for example turkey, fish or dairy products.

Tip #2: Better nourishment.

Sure, a…


Added by David Ogden on November 27, 2009 at 0:52 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Here are seven basic tips for maintaining your health and wellness.

Tip #1: Excellent proteins.

Protein in general is a solid nutrient for you; your body needs it to construct lean muscle instead of even more fat repositories. But make the effort to limit high-fat sources of protein, for example, steak, to strictly one to two times a week. The rest of the time, select lower-fat sources for example turkey, fish or dairy products.

Tip #2: Better nourishment.

Sure, a…


Added by David Ogden on November 27, 2009 at 0:50 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

There are a lots of people looking to reduce weight quickly; of course, this short article is only for those desperate to lose weight quickly. Because those people have spent enough time searching for a magic and are prepared to do what it takes. Those people will utilize the info here and reduce weight quickly.

And another thing: my advice isn't about toxic fat burners, crazy diet pills or fasting and starving. Even though how desperate to lose weight quickly you're, I wouldn't…


Added by David Ogden on November 25, 2009 at 23:14 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

When it comes to losing weight, everyone seems to have an answer to solve that problem, but they never seem to be asking the right kind of question. Why is my weight loss not happening? What am I doing wrong? I’m putting in the effort and I’m not seeing the results. What am I failing?

There’s no need to panic. Information is all over the place. In fact, infomercials, weight loss clinics, and health food stores are right at your disposal serving you the latest pills, juices, devices,…


Added by David Ogden on November 24, 2009 at 23:32 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Holiday Challenge

There's not much time left to win a 6 days/5 nights luxury vacation to Jamaica and other valuable prizes in the Burn The Fat Challenge:

Transform your body in 50 days with Burn The Fat and you could win. But hurry! Time is running out. Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 is the last day to enter.

Read on for the contest rules and see the JUST POSTED details of the prize package including breathtaking photos…


Added by David Ogden on November 23, 2009 at 23:25 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

We all want to lose a bit of weight, and a change in diet and mental attitude towards food can really bring huge benefits in the long term. You need to take care and don't just jump into a vigorous routine. If you are stretched for time then go for a one hour walk a day, continuos, no stopping to talk to people along the way and wasting the hour, one hour of solid walking.

Exercise is important if you want to lose weight as it helps burn of the calories.

Always eat breakfast…


Added by David Ogden on November 22, 2009 at 23:35 — No Comments

Health and Wellness - Lose The Fat

The fat burning procedures can be very uncomplicated as long as the suitable dieting and practicing methods are applied. Keep in mind; every person has a different body type and so different ways to lose weight should be followed. Procedures or methods that work for other individual may not work for the one. The following ways will explain about weight loss tips in burning excess of fat in the individual.

Weight Loss Tip- Burn the Fat

The first and the better way to burn fat…


Added by David Ogden on November 21, 2009 at 22:59 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Weight loss is often talked about. In fact, it seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing someone on TV talking about losing weight, physical fitness or going on a diet. Even the nightly news and newspapers contribute to our obsession with weight loss books and products. Discussions of weight loss roll off our tongues as quickly as rain water down a 20 foot incline after a rain.

So here are a few suggestions to think about and to help you decide whether to lose weight:

Tip #1 –…


Added by David Ogden on November 21, 2009 at 0:08 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

Losing weight is not only about dieting is it is as much to to do with your mind power and how much you really want to lose weight dieting. I’ve seen it before the person who is as confused as to why they want to lose it that they never manage to do it.

I’m sure right now you can think of a hundred different reasons you wish to lose weight dieting but yet you still struggle to pin point an exact train of thought that would motivate you enough to begin a process where you really do to…


Added by David Ogden on November 19, 2009 at 22:54 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Holiday Challenge

Every year as Thanksgiving gets closer, you’ve probably seen the depressing reports: “Most people gain between 5 and 10 pounds of body fat in the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.” I’m not sure if this worries you or not, but a lot of people are terrified about getting fatter in the next two months. They anticipate the workouts falling by the wayside and the holiday food calling out to them irresistibly, defeating even the strongest willpower. There’s good news and bad news about… Continue

Added by David Ogden on November 19, 2009 at 1:15 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

How to Lose Your Stomach Fat

To get a toned flat stomach you will need to lose the fat that is covering the stomach muscles, and the best way to lose belly fat is a combination of changing the eating habits, so the body stores less fat, and doing cardio exercises to burn the ongoing stomach fat.

Doing cardio exercises is probably the single most decisive thing people can do to get a flat stomach. They burn far more calories then stomach exercises like crunches or leg…


Added by David Ogden on November 17, 2009 at 22:31 — No Comments

Health and Wellness

How many calories should you burn to lose weight?

The news is, you must burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat.

How many calories do you need daily to maintain your current weight?

1. If you’re sedentary, multiply your weight in pounds by 14. You get the number of calories you need to maintain your body weight. For example, 200 lbs x 14 = 2,800 calories. By reducing the number of calories to 2000 calories, you lose weight.

2. If you’re moderately active,…


Added by David Ogden on November 17, 2009 at 0:38 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

There are many methods that can maximize weight loss and these methods often are inclusive of weight loss supplements, dieting, and exercise. Now, a revolutionary way to lose weight is by combining all three, with the added advantage of facilitating the program in such a way that would breathe comfort, relaxation and ease.

Indeed, who wouldn’t want to lose weight through a weight loss method where the dieter would also be able to zone out and feel relaxed? Accordingly, even the experts…


Added by David Ogden on November 15, 2009 at 23:49 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Artificial sweetners

Artificial sweeteners are not a healthy substitute for sugar and they often cause people to eat more food and gain weight. When the body detects a sweet taste, it expects carbohydrates that contain nutrition, and when the gut finds no nutrition, the message is sent to the brain to eat more in order to get the nutrition needed.

The FDA has had more complaints about Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Canderel, NatraSweet, Spoonfuls, DiabetiSweet) than any other food…


Added by David Ogden on November 14, 2009 at 22:14 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Many people search the Internet for health and wellness tips, perhaps looking for information on weigh loss or exercise or nutritional advice on the best food to eat

Here are some ideas on health and wellness which will help you to maintain your health, speed up your morning routine, or pamper yourself in new ways. You can find out about the Gym workouts, Fitness tips, Food Diets, and how to look good without all the hassle and get help to protect your health from aging



Added by David Ogden on November 14, 2009 at 0:44 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Why Start Exercising ?

Did you know that you can create a caloric deficit by not only eating small portions of the right types of foods, but also by being more active throughout the day?

It's true. Take every opportunity to be as active as possible throughout the day. The more active you are, the more calories you'll burn, and the easier it'll be to create a caloric deficit for maximum fat loss.

Exercise doesn't have to be limited to the track or the gym. You…


Added by David Ogden on November 12, 2009 at 23:24 — No Comments

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