Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

David Ogden's Blog (544)

Seven Weight Loss Foods

Weight Loss is not about starving yourself and subsisting on seltzer. Eat too little and the only place you’ll feel lighter is your head. Plus, research shows that any pounds you lose will likely come back plus more. One of the healthiest ways to shed pounds for good is to eat power foods that are naturally filling, nutrient-packed and, yes, proven to help you peel off pounds. Pile your plate with these prize possessions!


Women on a weight loss diet that…


Added by David Ogden on January 17, 2009 at 0:25 — No Comments

Web Prosperity Update

Web Prosperity forced to take action as pre launch sign ups bail out.

Web Prosperity was promoted as the new business launch of 2009, however once the software was revealed prospective customers began to see the reality. The Tools are overpriced, after all the software cost less than $2,000 yet users are charged a month fee $30-60 and the functionality is still be worked on.

Yesterday I spent some time in the Web Prosperity conference room/ meeting…


Added by David Ogden on January 16, 2009 at 23:14 — No Comments

How to Build Wealth for Retirement

AARP Finance

It’s been 11 years since the publication of Rich Dad Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki’s mega-hit best seller. Kiyosaki wasn’t looking to write just any financial book. There were hundreds of financial books, in his view, that said the same thing. He wanted to let the education system know it was failing in teaching children what they need for financial success. He wanted to shake up parents by telling them some of the most dangerous advice they could give their children was…


Added by David Ogden on January 16, 2009 at 2:14 — No Comments

Weight Loss Promotions

Most of us are victims of a silly weight loss promotion at least once in our lives. I know someone who once bought a bottle of fat burning pills that didn't burn through anything except her money.

Healthy Weight Network recently released its 20th annual Slim Chance Awards, featuring the Worst Diet Promotions of 2008. Did you buy into any of these?

Most Outrageous Claim -- Kevin Trudeau infomercials. I'm disgusted whenever I see this King of Deceptive Infomercials on my…


Added by David Ogden on January 15, 2009 at 22:59 — No Comments


AARP Finance

Are you worried about retirement, no matter what your age you need to start planning. Most people are only setting aside 5% of their earning to cover retirement, which will mean they will be poor when they retire.

A few people who have the foresight will be able to retire on the same amount of money they are presently earning. The suggested target for retirement is 80% of your current salary but there are few plans which will provide this…


Added by David Ogden on January 15, 2009 at 5:02 — No Comments

Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered why you are fat and have considered going on a weight loss dieting program? If you did, then you must know why certain food makes you fat.

Most if not all of us are somewhat carbohydrate addicts. We have pastas, pizzas, white rice, spaghettis, bread, refined flour food and confectionery in almost if not all our meals. Just look at the queues at the fast food joints on a regular day and you will know what I mean. Bread and sweet sugary drinks are the menu…


Added by David Ogden on January 14, 2009 at 23:53 — No Comments

Weight Loss - Burn Fat

No matter how peaceful your nature, when it comes to the battle of the bulge, you have to put up a good fight to melt those pounds away. In our eat-and-run, massive-portion-sized world, healthy weight loss can be a struggle. In a world where people are obsessive about losing weight and becoming slimmer than the people around them, the ability to burn fat is an important issue. The key is to burn fat naturally and healthily and still maintain long-term results.



Added by David Ogden on January 13, 2009 at 21:51 — No Comments

Weight Loss Warning

Clenbuterol weight loss

Although Clenbuterol is a very popular weight loss treatment used by people on diets and also athletes it has a number of dangerous and well documented side-effects; so it comes with a hefty warning and should never be used without the express permission of a doctor. Before you rush off to see your doctor because you know how good it is there are a few things you need to be aware of first. To date, the United States federal Drug…


Added by David Ogden on January 12, 2009 at 23:25 — No Comments

Retirement - Can you Afford It

AARP Finance

Do You Dream about how you are going to live when you retire, or is it your worst nightmare?

Retirement marks the time in life when you have the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want, no more being tied to desk from 9-5. Some people take up new hobbies, others travel and some just relax and enjoy the world around them.

There is one problem with retirement generally you are too old to enjoy some of life's pleasures, but its need not be…


Added by David Ogden on January 12, 2009 at 3:32 — No Comments

More Weight Loss Tips

Slimming down has been the dilemma of most people for many years now. Well, we all want to look fit and sexy all the time. Hence, we strive hard just to get the body that we want. However, with the lifestyle and eating habits that we were brought up with, it has been impossible to stay slim and also easy to gain weight.

What with all the calories that we take in everyday, with all the junk and fast foods that we eat as well as the caffeinated beverages that we drink. And in our…


Added by David Ogden on January 12, 2009 at 0:40 — No Comments

Weight Loss - Shifting Calorie Diet

The Shifting Calories Weight Loss Diet may sound new to you but actually a lot of bodybuilders and competitive female bodybuilders have been doing for decades. This diet is becoming very popular in and around the world. Shifting Calories was developed to confuse the body and to help speed up the metabolism, which is know for burning extra calories.

This Weight Loss diet has been proven very effective because you will never gain the weight back that you lost. But only if…


Added by David Ogden on January 10, 2009 at 23:03 — No Comments

Retire In 10 Years

AARP Finance

A study of past banking crises by US economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff shows what we can expect in this period of recession. Based on past events, output will drop for two years by 9% in total, house prices by more than a third over six years and shares by more than half for three-and-a-half years. Unemployment will jump by seven percentage points over four years.

This does not auger well from those that wish to retire, however this is the time…


Added by David Ogden on January 10, 2009 at 2:25 — No Comments

Weight Loss

Whole grains and Weight Loss

Whole grains are an important part of healthy nutrition. There are numerous products available today which are either 100% whole grains or contain traces of various grains. However, not too many of us are aware of the health benefits that this particular food group has to offer. We all know that we should be consuming more of it, but do we know why?

Whole grains are beneficial because they are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, b-vitamins,…


Added by David Ogden on January 9, 2009 at 23:20 — No Comments

Can you Retire in 10 Years

AARP Finance

The current bad financial news is causing people to put their lives on hold with an insecure future. There is a real risk of of job losses, some Companies are trying to keep in business by cutting salaries and retirement benefits, so it seems that none is safe.

AARP who have already retires have seen their retirement funds lose 20% or more of their value and although shares are beginning to move slowly upwards it will b

AARP members and…


Added by David Ogden on January 9, 2009 at 1:48 — No Comments

Weight Loss -Banana Diet

The Banana Diet

If you are seeking weight loss you may be tempted to give the banana diet a shot. After all, the diet has had quite a bit of media coverage, and hype from local magazines, and even had a small article on And because of this huge “hype factor” bananas have been flying off the shelves in Japan, and even buying a banana can be tough right now.

But why is this diet so popular for weight loss?

The banana diet is popular right now…


Added by David Ogden on January 8, 2009 at 23:02 — No Comments

Weigth Loss

How to Choose a Weight Loss Plan

Whether you need to lose only a few extra pounds or up to 50 or 100 pounds, you can become weary while trying to choose among the hundreds of weight loss plans available. There are plenty of weight loss diets that involve eating special foods, drinking certain drink mixtures, or taking weight loss pills. But which one’s right for you? Use these tips to choose the weight loss diet that will fit your lifestyle and daily…


Added by David Ogden on January 7, 2009 at 22:30 — No Comments

Retire Early

The New year has brought out the usual mass of new business launches, but what amazes me is the fact that 95% of them will fail to get off the ground, a few people will make some money, the rest will lose their money.

If you are looking to join a new opportunity you had best stick to joining an established business, rather than a new start. Many Internet businesses have shut down because they could not deliver on their promises and now that money is tight you need to ensure you join…


Added by David Ogden on January 7, 2009 at 6:54 — No Comments

Weight Loss - Myths

There is plenty of inaccurate data going around the weight loss industry and many people who are getting on this platform and looking for ways to lose weight have fallen victim to such myths. Let us look at some of the most popular myths circulating on this industry

. Myth #1: Avoid Carbohydrates

This is perpetuated by the most famous high protein diets-the Atkins diet, South beach and a whole lot of other popular diets that promotes a diet rich in protein and low in…


Added by David Ogden on January 7, 2009 at 0:08 — No Comments

Keys to Wealth - Reciprocity

TriVita's ten key steps to wealth explains in simple terms how anyone can create wealth and in this series I will lead you step by step along the way. The 10 Key to wealth was published by Michael Ellison, the CEO of TriVita Inc in 2007.

The Final Key to Wealth is Reciprocity.

Reciprocity is defined as "when you give a valuable service or gift to others, You will be repaid or rewarded for what you provided.

For reciprocity to work the recipient must benefit…


Added by David Ogden on January 6, 2009 at 1:42 — No Comments

Weight Loss

With the start of a new year, a lot of people are embarking upon a weight loss journey. They have their goals and motivation in place; however, as far as shedding those extra pounds, a lot of us don’t exactly know where to start. The two main factors of quick weight loss are healthy nutrition and exercise; however, there are certain steps we can take in order to improve our chances of weight loss success.

The first step towards weight loss success is…


Added by David Ogden on January 6, 2009 at 0:25 — No Comments

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