Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Web Prosperity forced to take action as pre launch sign ups bail out.

Web Prosperity was promoted as the new business launch of 2009, however once the software was revealed prospective customers began to see the reality. The Tools are overpriced, after all the software cost less than $2,000 yet users are charged a month fee $30-60 and the functionality is still be worked on.

Yesterday I spent some time in the Web Prosperity conference room/ meeting room trying to find out why it did not work in Internet Explorer and ended up having to use Firefox. The room is a bit bland and has no recording facility, so you cannot save interesting presentation, if you want to see what it looks live click here

This morning it was announced that Web Prosperity meeting now works in Internet Explorer and the programmers are now working hard to upgrade the mailing system, because when it was launched it could only be used to mail down lines and not for general marketing due to spamming issues.

In my mind it seems clear that web Prosperity was launched to make a quick buck for the founding members and owners and if you look at the alexa traffic there was quite a lot of activity prior to the opening of the pre launch on 25th December this allowed David D’Arcangelo's friends to sign up at the top of the matrix where they will make the money. The lesser mortals amongst us will be further down the 2*15 matrix and if you join at level 6 (your are the 126 member)on the matrix it is going to mean you have to get 65 million people to fill your matrix.

People are coming to the realisation that Web Prosperity is a master scam and with the alexa ranking beginning to drop like a stone many members are thinking its time to abandon ship.

I know for a fact that David D’Arcangelo is worried now that people have seen his ruse and is wondering how many people will be demanding a refund before the Web Prosperity 15 day day cooling off period ends. David Ogden
Web Prosperity Review

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