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David Ogden's Blog – March 2010 Archive (24)

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness -weight loss

The challenge of how to lose weight fast is one which has regularly worried folks, and it makes sense that there’s a certain quantity of confusion! Everybody is unique, and the weight reduction trick that worked for your buddy may not work for you. However, there are a couple of things that you can do to make it easier to lose pounds, so take a few minutes to learn them.

First, make sure that you are getting lots of water. Water will…


Added by David Ogden on March 31, 2010 at 11:50 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - choosing a diet

Weight loss market has been one of the most profitable industries and there are a lot of diet plans out there which promise success in a matter of weeks or days. With this undertaking, many people settle for the fastest and easiest way to lose all the extra pounds without even doing a research on the diet plan they are about to put into use.

Below are 5 important, vital and crucial elements one must look for in a diet plan. If these…


Added by David Ogden on March 27, 2010 at 1:43 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

There are some great ways to lose weight and keep it off. Millions of people struggle each year with there weight and finding a diet program can be important for you. There are so many weight loss plans available that finding the one for you can be overwhelming.

First you need to find a diet plan that many people have been successful with. You can search online for the top weight loss plan available. When selecting a plan you need to be…


Added by David Ogden on March 24, 2010 at 0:10 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

When you are striving for weight loss you need to find founds that will help you. There are indeed foods out there that help you to lose weight fast. However remember that by just eating these foods without a healthful diet mixed with exercise, you’re only going to be holding yourself back from true rapid weight loss.

The first thing you want to appreciate is that weight loss is achieved through a sustainable healthful diet. Veges,…


Added by David Ogden on March 23, 2010 at 4:00 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

You will find it hard to Lose weight,regardless of weight or level of physical fitness. There are many different ways to lose weight, some more unhealthy than others, but the ones that work are most times the most complicated to pull off.

Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some cases eating less is a key component of losing weight, but in most cases, eating is a necessity if one wishes to lower their own weight.…


Added by David Ogden on March 21, 2010 at 23:18 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Diet

Our busy lifestyles and wrong eating habits, result in many of us putting on weight fast but we are always stuck without any idea how to lose it and stay healthy. Everyone wants to look great and feel good and stay healthy, but in the fast paced world some of us don’t even have time to exercise. Would like to lose weight in a healthy manner? Yes this is possible. You can lose weight with fruits. Apart from this of course you will also have eat a…


Added by David Ogden on March 21, 2010 at 2:54 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

Simple steps to achieve weight loss. As you put your new knowledge to work and embark on a comprehensive weight-loss method, there are several things you can do. The goal is to maximize your knowledge so that you are prepared to make informed decisions for your best approach.

• Consult with your doctor before starting any weight management program. It is a good idea to get a complete physical before beginning a diet and/or exercise…


Added by David Ogden on March 19, 2010 at 23:56 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss Pills

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are like many other individuals who are hoping to lose weight, there is a good chance that you may turn to weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills. Although weight loss pills are a great way to help you lose weight, you need to be cautious when using them.

If this is your first time attempting to use weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills, to help you…


Added by David Ogden on March 18, 2010 at 23:04 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

Many People are fascinated with weight loss, some for health reasons and others to improve their body shape. No matter the reason, many people try strict diets that never work, hard exercise regimens that result in injuries or other weight loss program that end without success. The reason that none of these weight loss methods seem to work is because in order to stay with a program, you have to enjoy it. Not only that, but it has to be safe as…


Added by David Ogden on March 18, 2010 at 0:17 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Watchers Endorse McDonalds

According to McDonalds in New Zealand, three products, Chicken Nuggets, Fillet O Fish , and Chicken Wings have been endorsed by Weight Watchers and given a points value of 6.5 to entice people to eat at its fast food stores.

This might be great publicity for McDonalds, but does not mean that the food is healthy and in fact the Weight Watchers programme allow people to eat between 18-40 points value a day to reach…


Added by David Ogden on March 17, 2010 at 1:43 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Being thin is not always healthy

You need to take care when you diet, because patients with anorexia and other eating disorders can develop life-threatening conditions such as heart and renal failure, or permanently damage their capacity for reproduction.

If you have dieted yourself into scarecrow mode, your body will probably also have few reserves left to fight infections and your immune system will be functioning at a sub-optimal level, which…


Added by David Ogden on March 15, 2010 at 23:46 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Being overweight is not always unhealthy

Individuals who are a few kilograms heavier than they should be, are not necessarily less healthy than their slimmer counterparts, particularly if they're fit and do plenty of exercise. Although researchers have not yet come to a final decision about the question of being “fit and fat”, there's no doubt that if you're moderately overweight and exercise every day, you may well have a stronger cardiovascular and…


Added by David Ogden on March 14, 2010 at 23:54 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

Take Care on what weight loss method you use. If you use starvation or unbalanced diets that exclude whole foods groups or expose you to the risk of high fat intakes (i.e. variations of the Atkins diet), you may lose some weight, but at an unacceptable cost to your health.

Starvation diets can cause vitamin, mineral and protein deficiencies and strain your heart. Highly unbalanced or crash/fad diets can also cause deficiencies or expose…


Added by David Ogden on March 14, 2010 at 0:09 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

I am sure many of you have definable, concrete goals that you’d like to accomplish within the next few months, 6 months, or year and beyond. Whatever the time frame, I feel that goal setting is important because it gives you a clear idea of where you’d like to be in a given amount of time.

Even when one has achieved his or her ideal weight or body shape, setting a goal (i.e. completing a 5k, mini-triathlon, learning how to surf, etc.)…


Added by David Ogden on March 12, 2010 at 23:30 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Weight Loss

Americans spend an average of $30 billion dollars a year on weight loss medications and products. Some of them are effective while others are not. There are many different types of prescriptions and over-the-counter weight-loss drugs on the market today. Obesity, like other long-term and chronic conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes often utilize the benefits of a prescriptive drug in its treatment, but like any medication or drug,…


Added by David Ogden on March 12, 2010 at 0:17 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Drinking water to lose weight

The more water you drink, the more weight you'll lose. Drinking copious amounts of water, at temperatures ranging from icy to boiling, will speed up weight loss.

Having a reasonable liquid intake of approximately 2.5 litres a day is an excellent idea for adults, but this doesn't mean that you should literally drown yourself by drinking 7 litres of water every day in addition to your intake of other liquids like tea,…


Added by David Ogden on March 11, 2010 at 0:22 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - weight loss plan

Are you tired of trying to lose weight? ,are you ready to do something to reach your goal weight?

Well, I know that with a plan you can lose weight without exercise. Although exercise will help you lose, and it will also tone your body at the same time, you can reach your goal without exercise with a good Plan To Lose Weight. I’m not saying to exercise or not to exercise, just that you can achieve you goal even if you don’t…


Added by David Ogden on March 9, 2010 at 23:46 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Using Meal Replacement for Weight Loss

Think about the number one reasons why people are overweight nowadays. Overweight people fall into one of two different categories. Either they have an unhealthy lifestyle working long hours, eating out all the time, not getting enough exercise or they simply eat too much, often in a compulsive way. This type of eating eating when one isn't hungry, for example, or eating for emotional reasons rather than physical…


Added by David Ogden on March 7, 2010 at 23:17 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - Natural Weight Loss

A considerable amount of people all over the world successfully lose weight by natural means, without worrying about any side effects. By harnessing the potential of natural herbs and weight loss supplements, you too can effectively lose weight.

Natural weight loss by using the best supplements available is usually effective if you are faithful in following a well-disciplined program. Lots of weight loss enthusiasts favor natural…


Added by David Ogden on March 6, 2010 at 23:55 — No Comments

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness - How to Reduce Salt In Your Diet

Virtually everyone is eating too much sodium at the moment. The Average American consumes twice the amount of sodium per day than the body needs, around 4,000mg. According to the American Medical Association some 150,00 lives could be saved if people cut back on Sodium.

The problem is that salt is a hidden ingredient of many foods for preservation purposes,especially Frozen food and cans, so that when you are eating a…


Added by David Ogden on March 6, 2010 at 4:00 — No Comments

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