Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

David Ogden's Blog (544)


AARP - Finance

AARP Last months unemployment figures were the highest for 34 years with a further 598,000 jobs lost and the trend is expected to continue with some experts expecting it to reach 9% by the end of the year. Long term unemployment is also growing with 2.6 million people being out of work for over six months.

AARP members looking for part time jobs to bolster their retirement incomes are facing stiffer competition. Richard Johnson, an…


Added by David Ogden on February 9, 2009 at 1:27 — No Comments

Weigth Loss Tricks

Weight Loss Tricks

Here are some out of the box light hearted ideas for weight loss that you might like to try, no guarantee that they will work, but they only take a few minutes and are a change to the drudgery of dieting.

1. Spinning to balance hormones for rapid weight loss

Balanced hormones are a key to weight loss. Since most people don’t have balanced hormones, most people are fat and have a hard time losing weight. Spinning is…


Added by David Ogden on February 8, 2009 at 23:11 — No Comments

AARP Finance News

AARP - Finance

Virtually the whole world is awaiting to see the US economic plan put into action, yes delays might save some money, but the sooner the bills are approved the faster confidence will return. Here is a leaked report of what has been changed from the original plan.

CNN obtained, from a Democratic leadership aide, a list of some programs that have been cut, either entirely or partially:

Partially cut:

  • $3.5 billion for energy-efficient…

Added by David Ogden on February 8, 2009 at 0:23 — No Comments

Weight Loss

There are so many weight loss plans, on the market today but they all fall into groups. It’s a good idea to study the different types of plans before getting started on your weight loss journey. Find the type of weight loss diet that best suits you. Consider how each affects your body and health, and how each plan fits into your schedule or routine. Let’s see what types of diet plans are available and what is required with each.

Diets for Fast Weight…


Added by David Ogden on February 7, 2009 at 22:20 — No Comments


Meet Precious
- a TriVita Member since 2003. She’s had a positive experience with several TriVita products and now she’s referring more and doing great!

Precious (left) & her daughter

Personal Stats:

Name: Precious D.…


Added by David Ogden on February 7, 2009 at 1:47 — No Comments

Weight Loss

Three Simple tips to feel great and achieve weight loss. these everyday tips will allow you to modify your lifestyle and lose weight.

Watch What You Eat

Americans have developed diets that are absolutely detrimental to health. Eating too much fast food and other junk that is not meant for a healthy body. The result means that obesity percentage in America is higher than almost anywhere else in the world. Occasional junk food is ok but not every day if you have a…


Added by David Ogden on February 7, 2009 at 1:47 — No Comments

AARP Finance News

AARP - Finance

The UK has reduced its Interest rate to 1.0% as expected but this is a twin bladed sword because saving rates have also reduced which effect many retired people.

There is also a glimmer of hope in the UK housing market based on a recent survey, it seems that houses prices have reached a level where first time buyers are prepared to enter the market, provided they can obtain loans to borrow between 3-4 times their income. At the moment it looks like the…


Added by David Ogden on February 6, 2009 at 2:56 — No Comments

Fast Weight Loss

Are you looking for quick weight loss? Many people want to lose weight, but many of them are using the wrong diets and exercise methods that yield no results! Working out long and hard at the gym and jogging every day will never give you the weight loss effects you want. This article will describe the 4 most important aspects of weight loss, and how you can do it quickly.

1. Having The Right Diet

This is the number one factor that determines whether you…


Added by David Ogden on February 6, 2009 at 0:10 — No Comments

AARP Finance

AARP - Finance

For past year, small businesses made deep staffing cuts: Companies with 500 or fewer workers cut 430,000 positions in January, according to the latest ADP (ADP, Fortune 500) employment report, released Wednesday.

Small business employers are typically the last to cut jobs and the first to create them, which makes January's job-loss numbers a worrying omen for the rest of the year. Joel Prakken, chairman of ADP's research partner, Macroeconomics Advisers,…


Added by David Ogden on February 5, 2009 at 4:40 — No Comments

The Weight Loss Cure

The Weight Loss Cure, also called The Hcg Diet, Has been made popular by Kevin Trudeau on TV and with his recent book. Do you wonder if it is for you?

So, what is Hcg?

It is the abbreviation for the hormone women produce in pregnancy. Sometimes it is taken for fertility problems. It is natural in the body and also made synthetically.

What does it do?

Hcg is the breakthrough discovery for weight loss developed by Dr. Simeons in Rome. It has been a…


Added by David Ogden on February 4, 2009 at 23:42 — No Comments

Are You Retiring In Ten Years

AARP Plan To Retire in Ten Years

The word retirement is not something of much concern when people are young. It is 20 or even 30 years away and a lot can happen during that time. The thought of retiring and what to do when the time comes, is a dream and with proper planning that can become a reality.

All the financial upheaval at the moment is taking us back to the time when retirement did not exist, people worked until they died. Relying on state benefits and…


Added by David Ogden on February 4, 2009 at 3:10 — No Comments

Weight Loss Diet

With all the attention on weight loss in our world, it’s important to remember that there is more to weight loss than simply counting calories. Caloric quality is a more important focus than quantity.

The idea is to focus on health; balanced weight is the natural byproduct. Eating for balanced health and weight loss involves an appropriate amount of protein, quality carbohydrates, healthy fats, oils and snacks.


Protein builds and repairs…


Added by David Ogden on February 4, 2009 at 1:06 — No Comments

Work Longer ?

AARP Finance

What are the advantages of AARP Members delaying retirement. How working a few extra years can greatly effect you life in retirement

  • Avoids reductions in social security benefits
  • you can keep you 401(k) or other retirement plan growing, giving them time to regain recent losses.
  • It shortens your time in retirement.

At the moment the average ARRP member retires at 63 and with experts suggesting working four…


Added by David Ogden on February 3, 2009 at 2:01 — No Comments

Weight Loss

You have made the decision that you can improve your health by starting a weight lossdiet. But, you know from past experience that it is difficult to work out exactly what you can eat and what food and drink you need to avoid.

The common weight loss dieting tips are cutting out items such as sugar, and fizzy drinks But what about other foods? Are there certain foods we are avoiding when in fact they could be beneficial to our weight loss? The answer to that…


Added by David Ogden on February 2, 2009 at 23:44 — No Comments

AARP Finance

AARP Finance

Interest rates in the UK are expected to fall again this week as a measure to bolster the failing economy. The spectre of Deflation is looming in the background.

Howard Archer, chief UK and European economist at IHS Global Insight, said the Bank was "under severe pressure" to cut rates by another half percentage point.

"With GDP suffering its largest drop for nearly 30 years in the fourth quarter of 2008, latest data and survey evidence largely…


Added by David Ogden on February 2, 2009 at 0:38 — No Comments

Weight loss - Fat Loss Capsules

How to Use Fat Loss Capsules for Weight Loss?

We are living in a society where we use tablets for each and every bodily need that ever existed. When it comes to body weight, we use tablets for gaining weight as well as weight loss. In terms of losing weight through capsules, fat loss capsules are one of the most popular in its kind. These fat loss capsules come as supplements to your diets and work in several ways.

Some fat…


Added by David Ogden on February 1, 2009 at 23:14 — No Comments

Weight Loss

Diabetes is a word we hear about more and more and Type 2 is unfortunately due to a poor ongoing lifestyle, as we know. But did you know that eating a primarily Mediterranean diet can lower the incidence of developing diabetes, cancer and heart disease? and help with weight loss.

A Mediterranean diet is vegetable based with an emphasis on whole grains, fruits and a source of protein, like meat, beans and some types of cheese. It places eggs, poultry and fish up much higher on…


Added by David Ogden on February 1, 2009 at 0:33 — No Comments

Weigth Loss

One question many people have when starting up on a weight loss program is whether or not they should include protein powder with their diet plan. They’ve heard that protein is a vital component in the weight loss equation, so they begin thinking that supplementing with protein powder may just be the answer to help get fast weight loss started.

What’s the answer to this inquiry? Is it a good idea or something that’s going to hinder their goals?



Added by David Ogden on January 31, 2009 at 0:19 — No Comments


AARP Finance

A very gloomy end of the week for AARP member, who might not be effected by the massive job losses at Boeing Chicago, but will certainly be taking notice that the stock markets have had their worst January ever.

The Dow lost 8.8% in the month, putting it on track to close out its worst January since 1978, when it fell 7.4%. The S&P 500 lost 8.6% according to early tallies.

The Nasals's loss of 6.4% was eclipsed by last January's loss of 9.9%. That…


Added by David Ogden on January 30, 2009 at 23:22 — No Comments

Weigth Loss

weight loss when struggling with a slow metabolism can be a mind-boggling experience. Several factors play a part which could cause your metabolism to be sluggish such as thyroid problems, resistance to insulin, stress and toxins in your body, after effects of a hysterectomy and also going through menopause.

Get yourself checked out with your physician first and if you do not have those problems, then perhaps you should focus on making a lifestyle change in your eating habits…


Added by David Ogden on January 30, 2009 at 1:31 — No Comments

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