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Advice On Home Business

David Ogden's Blog – November 2008 Archive (15)

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss can be a difficult goal to achieve despite all the pills, potions and health drinks available, unless you also begin to change your lifestyle. there is no magic bullet which will create a permanent weight loss.Since once you discontinue there use, you gain back all of which you have lost and then some.

Weight loss plans should be such that not only does it reduce body fat but brings about a healthier and beautiful change in your whole personality. Here…


Added by David Ogden on November 30, 2008 at 23:12 — No Comments

Trivita Buy Customers Not Leads

Trivita home based business opportuntiy.

Join us on Thursdays at 6PM PST for a live information seminar at

select log in room from top menu and use your First and Last name with password success

Enjoy the video and if you have any question contact me

David Ogden

phone 1-386-308-1956…


Added by David Ogden on November 30, 2008 at 9:24 — No Comments

Weight Loss

A majority of individuals are well aware of the benefits of weight loss. Although for most, the primary reason is its cosmetic rewards, there are those who are intent on weight loss to attain good health. True, much is to be gained if one is fit, but more so if they are fit and well. There are basically countless options of measures to take if one is intent on achieving health and fitness. Although there are a significant proportion of individuals wanting to shed off excess…


Added by David Ogden on November 30, 2008 at 2:07 — No Comments


AARP Finance - Well Black Friday seemed to start of the sales season with a bang, however many people including AARP members were sticking to using lists of items they were searching for rather than impulse buying.

The stock markets around the world are on an upward trend and its a question on how long the trend will continue.

Many AARP member have seen 35% falls in the value of their 401(k) plans but it will be some time before these losses are made up. If your…


Added by David Ogden on November 29, 2008 at 2:05 — No Comments

RApid Weight loss

Find out sensible steps to weight loss. The solution to a quick weight loss program that really works for you is security. You can get through a weight loss program and take pleasure in a quick start, which will assist in inspiring your weight loss goals.

Products for Weight Loss

For a continuous weight loss scheme, start a well proven method particularly beginning a healthy lifestyle, thus includes a tiptop tips for weight…


Added by David Ogden on November 29, 2008 at 0:40 — No Comments

AARP Finance

AARP Finance - A recent AARP article suggested that prudent investors should have around 6 months worth of living expenses in cash or short term savings in order to cover unforeseen event, which seems a good idea. Depending on your income this could be a sizable amount, so you need to take care that at least two thirds of your assets are earning money for growth.

At the moment AARP members have a difficult choice to make as interest rates are low and many are wary of purchasing stock.…


Added by David Ogden on November 26, 2008 at 9:36 — No Comments

Weight Loss Tips

Before you pledge allegiance to a particular diet plan, take heed. More often than not, weight lost through dieting finds its way back into your body.

But the news is not all bad: While prevailing lore states that 95% of people who lose weight regain it within a few months or years, recent research shows that roughly 20% of overweight people successfully manage to keep the pounds from coming back on.

Still, that’s a low success rate, and it underscores the inherent flaw…


Added by David Ogden on November 25, 2008 at 23:33 — No Comments

Trivita Stress Protection

Trivita adaptogen TriVita Stress Protection Pack is a great way to boost immunity - and enjoy bundled savings!

TriVita's Stress Protection Pack works to neutralize the damage from stress. And long-term stress can lower your resistance to a variety of illnesses. When you are stressed out, your body "steals" important nutrients that your body needs to fight that stress. This damage can affect your immune system.

Keep your immune system strong with the antioxidants in…


Added by David Ogden on November 25, 2008 at 2:14 — No Comments

Weight Loss Foods

Negative Calorie - Myths and Facts in Weight Loss

Possibly there are no foods on earth that contain no calories. There are no foods that can be named as negative calorie foods in the sense that they contain calories with negative valence. However, the overall effect that is produced by these foods in our body is that of ‘negative calorie‘. Actually, the negative calorie foods consume more calories during their digestion process than the amount of calories these foods…


Added by David Ogden on November 24, 2008 at 22:44 — No Comments


AARP Finance - Will Thanksgiving mark the turning point of the market.

Traditional stocks and share have always risen either during the week either side of Thanksgiving day, the question of AARP members lips is will this mark the start of a revival.

Citibank group is struggling to survive and may be up for sale. The automobile industry is struggling even with the price of oil falling and many jobs in associated businesses continue to be at risk.



Added by David Ogden on November 24, 2008 at 0:41 — No Comments

Weigth Loss Tips

It is certainly beneficial to your health to lose weight if you are obese or more than just a few pounds overweight. You start out with great motivation and enthusiasm and may find that after a few weeks you have no weight loss. In some instances people are horrified to even find they have gained a few pounds. You may then and there decide to give up trying to lose weight altogether. There are a variety of factors that you may have to investigate to find out why your diet is not…


Added by David Ogden on November 23, 2008 at 23:56 — No Comments

Weight Loss with Green Tea

A number of ‘wonder’ herbs are being used these days for weight loss. Green tea is one of the most interesting; this wonder herb contains ingredients which are still being researched but it is most famous for it’s antioxidant properties. Available as liquid extract, regular tea or tablets, green tea weight loss products are considered to be some of the most effective ways to burn extra calories.

It has a wide range of benefits for the human metabolism but first and…


Added by David Ogden on November 23, 2008 at 0:15 — No Comments

AARP Finance

AARP Finance - "There are Americans showing up to work in the morning, only to have cleared out their desks by the afternoon. Retirees are watching their life savings disappear, and students are seeing their college dreams deferred. These Americans need help, and they need it now." President-elect Barack Obama said Saturday offered an outline of his economic recovery plan and jobs were the top priority.

The question on many AARP members is will it be too little too late.…


Added by David Ogden on November 22, 2008 at 23:42 — No Comments

Take A Night Off

Take The Night Off

Does your schedule tonight look something like this? Pick up kids, grocery shopping, drop off kids, start dinner, call Aunt Gladys, wash dog, call Uncle Frank, serve dinner, help spouse with project, put gas in car... feel free to fill in your own little errands.

If your evenings look anything like this, it’s time to give yourself the night off! Day in and day out, night after night, stress builds up in your body, and stress heads straight for your heart,…


Added by David Ogden on November 21, 2008 at 23:35 — No Comments

Weight Loss - Reduce Heart Attack Risk

A study from Turkey shows that the heart beats with greater strength when a person loses weight (Heart Vessels, March 2006). The obese patients in the study received echocardiograms to predict their risk for heart failure by measuring their left ventricular function. After they lost at least ten percent of their total body weight, the strength of the contractions of their hearts increased significantly. This study shows that weight loss should be part of the treatment for heart…


Added by David Ogden on November 19, 2008 at 23:58 — No Comments

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