Advice On Home Business
Weight Loss- One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they try a weight loss diet is that they cut the calories too much, too quickly. Say you are going to try to start losing weight tomorrow, but a big mistake that you could make is to all the sudden cut your calories very drastically right away.
Now this might seem like a good idea, because if you cut your calories really fast your body will have to adapt and and you think a big calorie deficit will provide weight loss. But what really happens is that if you cut your calories too much your body tends to overcompensate.
What you need to do is first clean up your nutrition and immediately start eating right. Then start exercising properly. That is what is going to burn more calories. You’ll quickly start burning fat calories. And then once you’re weigh loss starts, then begin to reduce your calorie intake again. And then keep up this process as your weight loss slows down cut your calories again.
So you kind of have a graded calorie reduction instead of cutting all your calories at once so make sure you don’t initially cut your calories too much. Another side effect of rapid calorie reduction is that many people then get so hungry that they can’t help but begin to over eat again.
You must realize that you did not get into a situation of having more weight than you want in just a few days. Even though there are some great, quick weight loss programs you must take the right approach and rapid calorie reduction is not one of them. As he previously stated, this simple step down cycle of cleaning up your eating, beginning your exercise program, and then reducing your calories will get you where you want to go much faster.
To learn more about weight loss the safe way Click Here, or to receive my FREE weight loss Report Click Here or if you want a Free Fast Track To Weight Loss DVD Click Here
David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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