Advice On Home Business
The topic of fat loss is a hugely debated issue these days. With 67% of the population either overweight or obese, it effects nearly everyone. It seems like everywhere you turn there is a new pill, gimmick or fad diet to help magically shed excess body fat.
Sorry, it’s not that simple. Don’t get discouraged though. Fat loss requires an educated and proven plan, coupled with some intense physical effort. There are six basic keys to help shed that twenty extra pounds of belly fat.
1. CREATE A CALORIC DEFICIT: Without creating caloric deficit you’ll never lose body fat. It’s
really common sense. Your metabolism must burn more calories than you consume each day. How do you increase your internal metabolism? By eating frequently with plenty of protein, healthy fats and vegetables at every meal. I recommend a 33/33/33 percent split of carbs, protein and healthy fats.
Drink water like it’s going out style. Get rid of the coke, coffee and calorie loaded fruit drinks. Eat six small meals ( around 300 calories each) every day in three hour intervals. This tricks your body into burning the calories you eat and not storing them as fat. In addition, you must rev up your metabolism through intense physical exercise.
2. READ NUMBER ONE AGAIN: Yes, it’s that important. Research has shown that 80 to 90 percent of weight loss is diet related. No matter how much you exercise, if you’re not eating right you’re robbing your results. I recommend a nutritionist for most of my clients. The accountability and one-on-one approach that comes with a nutritionist works very well. If your budget is tight Fast Track to Fat Loss is a great low-cost alternative to the nutritionist.
3. INCREASE THE COST OF EACH EXERCISE: In terms of metabolic demand, there is a huge difference between a lunge and an arm curl. The former challenges tons of muscle groups and activates your energy systems. The latter leaves you fat and skinny. Squats, deadlifts and lunges have a very high metabolic cost. Isolation exercises and machine-based exercises don’t. Lifting big weight = lots of calories burned!
4. INCREASE THE COST OF EACH WORKOUT: Take point #3 a step further. You must not only look at each exercise, but the total metabolic cost of each workout. The more calories you burn every workout, the fasted you’ll lose fat. You need to perform circuit style workouts with total-body lifts. I recommend 4 to 8 total-body exercises with no more than a minute between sets. The circuit should include the basic human movements: push, pull, squat, lunge, deadlift, and twist. I recommend two to three minutes between circuits. You should alternate you rep and set range each workout. For example: day 1 – five reps/four sets, day 2 – ten reps/three sets, and day 3- fifteen reps/two sets.
5. PERFORM HIIT (high intensity interval training): HIIT burns more calories and stimulates your
metabolism more than steady state cardio. Not only will you burn more calories while you’re doing HIIT, but it also revs your metabolism higher than traditional forms of cardio by boosting EPOC(excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption) In English, this means your fat-burning furnace runs 24 to 48 hours longer. The benefit: you burn calories while sitting on the couch a day later.
Try this on your bike: warm-up for five minutes, sprint for one minute (85-95% HRM), then recover for thirty seconds (50-60% HRM). Complete this cycle four times and cool-down for another five minutes.
6. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SOCIAL SUPPORT: Are your co-workers forcing you to eat at McDonald’s everyday? Quit your job! Are your friends pressuring you into drinking beer and eating wings every weekend? Ditch them! Is your wife tempting you to eat ice cream every night? Divorce her!
I think you see where I am going with this. If you don’t surround yourself with an environment
that’s not conducive to losing fat you’ll have a difficult time finding that Health body. You need to attack fat loss with a passion. Don’t lose focus of your goals.
Here is a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss to get you back on track, if you are desperate to lose weight.
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