Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

The Grapefruit Diet is a fast and painless way weight loss diet. Known in the 1930s as the Hollywood Diet, the Grapefruit Diet has been called a fad diet by many. However, a study in 2004 by Dr Ken Fuijioka and the Nutrition and Metabolic Research centre at Scripps Clinic found that there was a strong correlation between the consumption of grapefruit at every meal and weight loss. This has propelled the popularity of the Grapefruit Diet due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

The Grapefruit Diet consists of consuming either half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice before every meal. The good news is that grapefruits are low in calories and sodium, and has been shown to decrease cholesterol levels and the risk of developing diabetes. The consumption of grapefruit reduces the level of insulin in the body, which in turn is crucial in the blood sugar and fat metabolism regulation processes. This allows you to process the energy from your consumption, and the naringin in grapefruits blocks the uptake of fatty acids, enhancing weight loss instead of fat storage. The key to remember in the Grapefruit Diet is to reduce consumption of insulin.

A minimum consumption of 8 classes of water a day is needed, and having a cup of coffee is allowed but not encouraged as it obstructs the weight loss process. The grapefruit is vital in the diet as it kick starts the fat burning process. Exercise is also not encouraged when you are on the diet as the low calorie intake does not provide enough energy to support your activities.

A general Grapefruit Diet weight loss menu consists of bacon and eggs in the morning, and servings of meat and salads for lunch and dinner. It also includes an optional before bed snack, such as a glass of milk or tomato juice. All these meals are preceded with either half a grapefruit, or an 8oz glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice. The best part of this diet is that there is no restriction on the quantity of meat and salads you are consuming, so you don’t have to worry about going hungry. The use of butter liberally in preparation of food is also encouraged.

In a nutshell, the Grapefruit Diet has been proven to work, and is highly effective. However, it is strongly recommended only as a short term guide to weight loss, and needs to be followed with a healthier diet in the long term for sustained weight loss.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here.

David Ogden - Health and wellness - Lose Weight USA
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