Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Whether it’s because you want to look good on the beach, or perhaps you just want to improve your health, you just want to know how to lose 20 pounds quickly. Or, perhaps its just 10 pounds in a couple of weeks. Maybe you’ve got a wedding coming up so you need to lose weight.

Well, a lot of people are going to start some sort of diet. The low-carb diets, the low-fat diets, the grapefruit diets…whatever. They just don’t work. Even if you do lose weight, you just end up putting all back on again…and then some. You starve yourself and tell yourself that it’s all about “will power.” And nobody’s going to see you tuck into that “turkey ham” and Swiss sammy, slathered with “low-fat” mayo, anyway. Besides if you eat it standing up it doesn’t count. Right? And then the guilt sets in and you’re back on the diet hamster-wheel once again. Just how are you going to lose weight quickly.?

Like I mentioned, diets don’t work. Let’s take a look at them. Low fat foods have been around for a generation and still obesity is running wild, particularly in our schools. And one of the worst things you can do is go cold turkey low-calorie. You slow down your body’s fat burning engine and experience the dreaded “dieters plateau.” One of the newer fad diets is the low carb craze. This allow folks (like me and you) to cram our faces with meat, fat, and dairy while craving bread and pasta and that's not going to help you lose weight.

It’s really pretty simple. You’re overweight because you’re eating the wrong types of food for your body and the wrong calories. And…you’re eating them at the wrong times of the day. Here’s the big secret. It’s the food itself that makes you thin or fat. Food is more powerful than any diet medicine. You CAN lose weight, say 10-210 pounds. in one month. And you can do it by eating the right things at the right time. That’s another secret. You need to change your patterns and the intervals of your eating. And here’s another hint. You need to eat more than three times a day, eat when you are hungry to lose weight. Little and often works fine

All right, now for the good news. There’s a new idea in the “dieting” world and it’s called The Shifting Calorie Theory. It’s all about shocking your metabolism. Your body doesn’t know what you’re going to eat in the future, so it just assumes every day is business as usual. What you’re going to do will be the exact opposite of what your metabolism expects. There’s a little more to it but I’ll give a way to learn more later.

Now we’ve seen how fad diets don’t work. We know that they can make us see-saw up and down the dieting roller-coaster. And we know there is a new idea of losing weight that can allow us to lose the weight…forever!

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” The same is true with dieting. If you want to learn how to lose weight quickly. you must not be afraid to try something new. You don’t have anything to lose…but the weight.

It's called the "Shifting Calorie Method." What it does is sort of "tricks" your metabolism into burning what you eat instead of storing it in your body. Your digestive system works with your internal chemicals to decide whether or not to keep the calories or burn them away. And the thing is it develops a memory for the way you eat. So when you learn how to shift these calories around it stops turning these calories into fat. And now here's the good news. With this system you get to eat more than three meals a day. So in some ways you are eating more and losing more at the same time. The "Shifting Calorie" program comes with a free online meal generator so it doesn't require you to do any counting or measuring. Actually, it doesn't even require a whole lot of thought to lose weight

David Ogden -Lose Weight USA
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