AdGate Advisory
Tiered Bonus Plan Announced!
Our one month anniversary is upon us and we want to celebrate the overwhelming vote of confidence from the industry as the number ONE social advertising site on the internet! Rave reviews are pouring in from industry leaders regarding the AdGateWorld site, helpful customer support and the long term vision of expanding the AdGate Network and member benefits. The privacy and security of the in-community AdGate Cash Exchanger system has provided members with a REAL sense of independence and safety from overbearing regulators and outside interference.
Can things get even better? YES
Recent technology changes have now made it possible to do a tiered Ad Pack bonus format. The bonuses listed below will be available immediately.
Purchase Level Bonus Ad Packs Matching Sponsor Bonus
100 Ad Pack 25% NONE
500 Ad Pack 35% 25%
1500 Ad Packs 50% 35%
3000 Ad Packs** 100% 50%
** This VIP AdGate Bonus also includes a 30 day entry into our automated “New Member Placement Program”. This status will allow participants to receive random assignments of new un-sponsored members into their organization. This is potentially worth thousands in Ad Packs and cash!
The growth of the AdGate community is solely in the hands of each member. The social advertising concept and the rebate program rely on the momentum generated by introducing others to the opportunities that our free membership affords.
Take full advantage of our three month FREE AdGate Ambassador status and start earning daily cash today by helping others get into the GATE!
Best Regards,
AdGate Team
Click here for more info about Ad Gate World

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