Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Counting calories, working out an hour a day, drink more water. You’ve heard it all before in my previous posts. It’s so generic, it could fit the bill for anyone. But you are a woman and your body is very much different from men. Men don’t have cycles their body goes through, don’t have to prepare themselves when you want to have children or worry about after pregnancy weight gain. So what should you do? Follow these 3 basic weight loss tips that separate the women from the men.

The Best Weight Loss Program For Women

1) Water is always No 1. Why? Water makes up 65-70% of the human body. Drinking water has zero calories and is a great filtration device for women to clean out their kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines. Drinking caffeine will make you feel energetic and first but you will develop a dependency on it and you will get these nagging headaches that will make you counterproductive. Drinking water is probably the most vital part of losing weight for women. You will feel more energetic drinking water than coffee or diet soda could ever do and lose weight at the same time! This is the most important aspect to quick weight loss.

2) Say yes to carbs. Carbohydrates are important to the functionality of women each and every day. Carbs are our energy source and is needed for our kidneys to function properly and are easier to break down in the stomach. Concentrate on your carbohydrate intake in the morning and afternoon. This is the time of the day where your body will be most productive and will be needing energy to function throughout the day. Fruits and whole grain breads are great sources to aid in weight loss.

3) Keep your stomach on empty when you go to bed. A women’s body is delicate and precise. To keep looking your best, limit your food intake 3 to 4 hours before you go to bed. A full belly before bed time will cause your metabolism to slow down (it always does when you sleep) and will store the unused energy as fat. Then when you wake up, you don’t feel hungry and makes you skip breakfast. A mostly empty stomach will keep your metabolism stable while you sleep and will force the body to burn fat. You say you don’t eat breakfast. Have you had problems losing weight? This is a main reason why. Your metabolism is behind the eight ball when you don’t eat breakfast. So how is it going to work efficiently breaking down food when it doesn’t want to work? Eat a breakfast everyday, no matter if you don’t feel hungry. Your body will thank you for it.

These are the 3 top tips for the best weight loss program for women. Stay on course and you will start losing weight quickly. Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is definitely possible.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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