Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Todays Weight Loss tip is all about Protein and you can lose from 1 to 2 pounds a week and keep it off.
Now you might say, ‘Great, I can just eat a bigger steak or the equivalent’. While it’s true that you get protein from meat, you also get some other undesirable things like fat and cholesterol. But even without those bad things you couldn’t get the amount of protein you really need to achieve desirable weight .

Some people will say, ‘I’ll just cut back on my favourite foods and watch what I eat’. The problem with this approach is you get even less protein and you sacrifice getting the vitamins and minerals you need. Research studies have shown that cutting back on your favourite foods is the least effective weight loss plan.

So what’s the answer? Research has shown the one of the most effective weight loss plan includes meal replacement protein shakes. Why does this work so well? Because your body burns calories at the rate of 13.7 calories per pound of lean body mass whereas it only burns 3 calories per pound of fat. Increasing your protein intake will build your lean body mass and stoke the furnace to burn more calories.

Here’s How Weight Loss Works

If you eat the same number of calories that you burn, your weight won’t change. If you eat fewer calories than you burn and if that is 500 calories fewer then you’ll lose approximate 1 to 2 pounds a week. Since the calories from the food you eat are less than the calories you burn, your body has to make up the difference from somewhere. That ’somewhere’ is your body fat. So if you eat only 250 calories less than what you burn you’ll lose about ½ pound per week and if you eat 1000 calories less you’ll be losing 2 - 3 pounds a week.

The key to a healthy weight loss program is to make sure that you’re getting the maximum nutritional benefit from the food you do eat and you want those foods to be enjoyable. The two things that will derail a weight loss program fast are hunger and eating foods you don’t like.

Meal replacement protein shakes will give you the protein you need along with vitamins and minerals. They’re tasty and if you make them properly you won’t experience diet killing hunger.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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