Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

So you're determined you need a weight loss program. But what? Losing weight is not in itself a behaviour. Releasing fat is an outcome of many behaviours that add up to consuming more calories than your expending. (Yes, theres a genetic component too, but you can't change that.)

The good thing is that this gives you lots of places to start moving toward your weight loss goal. The challenge is sorting through them all and finding what will work best for you. So here is the question: What are you most ready to change?

Behavioural researchers have identified five stages in behaviour change:

1. Pre contemplation: You re not even considering it. No way AR you going to give up your pizza and beer. Gym-going is not for you. Why walk when you can ride?

2. Contemplation: Well, maybe you could live without pizza and beer *every* week. Gym is out, but you always liked swimming, maybe a pool. The walk in the park with your friend was pleasant last weekend, maybe you could do it again.

3. Preparation: Next week you're going to skip that pizza. You found out the local Y has a pool and their family rates are affordable. You talked to your friend about doing more walks sometime.

4. Action: Two weeks and no pizza. You joined the Y and you've swum laps there a couple times. You and your friend have gone walking the past three Saturday mornings.

5. Maintenance: The weekly pizza has been a thing of the past for six months. Swimming is so much a part of your daily routine that you don't feel right if you skip it. Those Saturday walks are don't-miss tradition.

In fact, this readiness to change model is behaviour-specific. That is, you might be in the action stage with the pizza but still in pre contemplation on that exercise stuff. You re not likely to be very successful if you flog yourself for not swimming laps every day, what you want to do is move yourself to the next stage: List the pros and cons of regular exercise and guess what, you're thinking about it and that means contemplation.

So think about the behaviours you can change create weight loss. What stage are you in for each of those behaviours? In each case, what can you do to move yourself to the next stage? What are you most ready to change.

The New Year is soon upon us and is the ideal time to put ideas into action

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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