Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Weight Loss for Diabetics

One in four Americans are sugar sensitive (insulin resistant) and many don’t even know it. An astounding 6 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes and that number is growing exponentially each year. So many people are at risk for this life altering disease unnecessarily. With a small amount of knowledge diabetes can be avoided all together.

  • Have you been told you are diabetic (or at risk for diabetes, have pre-diabetes or insulin resistance) and need to lose weight?
  • Given a diet and sent out to radically change your whole life with little instruction or support?
  • Told repeatedly by your doctor that you need to lose the weight but not had any success?
The truth is that you have been set up to fail! because you do not have enough information.

You have the power to set up your body to be an unattractive environment for diabetes. This is often referred to as Biological Terrain Management. This means creating a favourable environment for your body so all your normal bodily functions can occur easily, without stress and optimally function.

So what is the best terrain for a body? --- An alkaline one!

During your life your body becomes a toxic dumping ground. Each time you are exposed to chemicals and toxins in the environment, additives in your foods, rub toxic chemicals on your skin, the toxic load of your body increases. This pushes your system to an acidic state.

Human bodies, in their wonderful way, are designed to detoxify systems naturally through the liver, kidneys, and digestive track. However, eventually your body systems become overloaded. And as your systems overload then the pH (acid/alkaline) balance of your bodies becomes more acidic.

The acid environment prevents many normal chemical reactions from occurring or from occurring effectively. Remember basic chemistry? The proper environment is necessary for chemical reactions to occur.

Bodies that are acidic often have depressed immune systems. Acidic environments lead to arthritic conditions and premature aging. For the diabetic an acidic body leads to the inability to utilize insulin properly and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

So what is the connection between diabetes and weight loss?

Simply this…an acidic biological environment is a body in stress. A body in stress will not let go of weight. The body will hold on to the weight for dear life. This sets many diabetics up for failure with weight loss and leaves you feeling discouraged at best but more often hopeless.

Now you know the secret with diabetes and weight loss!

To learn more about weight loss Click Here or to receive my FREE weight loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Helping People Help Themselves
Health and Fitness Coach
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