Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Top Ten Weight Loss Tips for the New Year. The list represents important ideas that come up time after time when members tell us about their weight loss success.

I will be letting you know the mistakes that fat people do when try trying to lose weight .

According to Us Dept of health, we are lead to believe that 95% of all the weight loss is regained and 96% of all weight loss attempt ends in failure


It means that less than one fat person in twenty succeeds when trying to lose weight.

Before going on ,I will like to classify the fat people into two :

The overweight
The obese , those people that I call dangerously overweight.
The overweight are 73 % while the obese are 26%. I am sure you know how alarming this issue is to the whole world , most especially United states.

What can we do to reverse this deadly trend ?

I think what can be done is to let people know the real fact about weight loss and I will start that by letting you to understand ten mistakes we make when trying to lose weight.

Going on diets

This point may come as a shock to people , but that’s number one fact you need to know . Dieting is a very bas way to lose weight because people tend to ignore all of the reasons why they are overweight in the first place.

The way to lose weight is to eat less , exercise more , but the truth is no one overeats because of physical hunger. Am I right? Yes I am because recent research shows me that , the real reason why people eat too much are totally has nothing to do with food…. What did I say? NOTHING . that is why no amount of you trying to deny yourself will make any kind of lasting difference . All it does is , it makes people to feel deprived , anxious and more depressed when the fail yet again.

It’s not about the food . it is about why people don’t stop eating the food , even when the physical hunger has been satisfied. Can you now agree with me that going on diet is not a solution at all and it won’t change anything at all.

Trying to avoid your favourite food

This is also just as much a waste of time as dieting . In fact , it’s a form of dieting . Since dieting can be defined for this purpose as any effort to control your body weight by controlling the volume or nature of food you take in at a particular time.

Don’t get me wrong , I am not saying that what you eat is not important . It is a fact that some food are better for you than others and it is also a fact that a proper amount of food you take in is healthier than too much or too little as well. But what I am trying to tell you is that you must shift your attention away from the food itself to the reason you eat too much .

As you that trying that trying to avoid the food you like the most just makes you want them the more . That’s the way it is with anything that feels like self-denial and that’s no way too live , that not life .

Diet pills

What a funny and fake solution , I think the dangerous practice is finally getting some of the publicity it deserves . Almost every week we now hear the news of ephedra , ma huang / etc More than 80 death and countless health problems have been directly linked to this natural stimulant .Yes we all want results and we want them fast , nobody agues with result . Yesterday will be nice . And therein lies much of our problem . We humans are not a patient bunch , we always expect to get everything we want at the touch of a button and we believe that whatever problems that cannot be solved with a button will be solved with pills . But it doesn’t work that way for real.

Making repeated attempt to lose weight

This is the most tragic consequence of diet industry approaches. With each failed weight loss attempt , it becomes more difficult to take off pounds . It’s called the YO-YO syndrome . Every time the weight goes down , it comes back up .

But unlike the YO-YO it wants to come up higher than the starting point. This can or will always lead to depression if you will agree with me . And it can even cause gaining of weight.

Trying to avoid fattening food in general

This is another approach that doesn’t work in real life because it like you’re constantly fighting your own desires. You are trying to impose your will on your own powerful desire.

But will is no match for your deep craving desires. It is a pure wasting of time to try to fight your own desire . The easy way to succeed with weight loss is to make changes in your personal programming .

The good news is that this is just easy and enjoyable


If you’re originally not feeling hungry , if you are in good health and you have no unhealthy psychological issues motivating your decision to skip your meal , then it’s not a problem . But if you skip meal out of guilt , as part of food based weight control then you are making a big mistake .

You cannot rely on your own psyche to strike back at you , through your unconscious motivations. And whenever your conscious decisions ( like fasting and skipping meals ) conflict with your unconscious motivations ( like eating whatever meal and eating it whenever you want to), the unconscious motivating will win every time.

Using generic weight loss method

You need to understand the fact that you are different being to others , that’s why things that works for your fat neighbour will never work for you . your situation is unique and it needs a unique approach. So make sure that your approach to weight loss is no generic , but is targeted to your own personal situation.

Relying on will power

I was as surprised as anyone that not only does will power not produce weight loss, but most often lead to weight weight gain.. are you asking me why? Ok . now that we know self denial creates a psychic “backlash” it’s easier to understand why.

In truth will power is a fragile and fickle things –as anyone who ever relied on it knows only too well. In reality , will power is no power at all. It’s simply the process of trying to go at cross purposes to our own deep desires.

Write everything down. Even (or especially) on bad/splurge days. It’s only if you write things down that you know what you are doing. I’m not saying don’t have the Peking Duck. I am saying, at least know what having the Peking Duck means

Life is too short so build in treats! Ok my weight loss is nice and slow but I don’t feel like I am on a diet or that I am depriving myself of anything

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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