Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Women love to diet. At any give time, one of three women are on a diet. Yet more women are overweight than ever and a disturbing new study shows that binge eating is the most widespread eating disorder in the United States, surpassing bulimia and anorexia. Surely, there has to be a connection between food deprivation diets and the rate of increase in binge eating.

Many people binge eat after following a fad weight loss diet that controlled what food groups they can consume. These “forbidden foods” become an obsession, and you start over-indulging in all the foods you have been deprived of during the diet. In a few short months, the pounds you lost come back and you are stuck with an unhealthy new eating habit to boot.

Maybe there is something wrong in the way we are trying to lose weight? Since most eating disorders affect far more women than men, there is really a cause for concern. Women need to re-examine the way they attempt to lose weight and the ultimate cost on their health and bodies.

Although it sounds unfashionable compared to the latest fad diets out there, the best weight loss diet for women that ensures permanent results is one on which healthy portions from various food groups is allowed. A plan like this will ensure healthy weight loss without causing undue stress on the body. Women also need to keep in mind that fad diets are aging. This is because fad diets put your body under stress and also deprive you of nutrients you need to keep your skin, nails and hair healthy.

By following a healthy eating plan, you will not only gain an enviable figure, but will also look younger, have less wrinkles, strong nails and healthy hair. Along with healthy eating habits, the right exercise program for women will allow you will feel more relaxed and more confident in yourself. You will also sleep better allowing your body to repair and restore your body and skin. It is not called beauty sleep for nothing.

The next time you come across a new weight loss diet that promises 10 lbs in 10 days ask yourself if it is worth risking your health and complexion to try something that sounds unhealthy anyway. You did not gain all your weight in a week. Why would you expect to lose it all in a week? Also remember that going on a fad diet could cause you to learn unhealthy eating habits and leave you feeling stressed and obsessed.

Stop obsessing over weight loss. Learn about healthy eating and start living better today. Weight loss will happen automatically along with the side effects of better self esteem, peace of mind and healthy skin, hair and nails.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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