Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Weight loss and Milk

According to a review of the published scientific literature, claims that low-fat dairy products or calcium can help people lose weight are untrue. Neither dairy products in general nor calcium intake promote weight loss.

Out of 49 clinical trials, 41 showed no effects of diary or calcium on weight, two showed an increase in body weight with a dairy regimen, and one showed a lower rate of weight gain. Only five showed weight loss.

An association between calcium or dairy intake and weight loss has been seen in some “observational” studies, possibly due to other factors such as increased exercise, cutting out high-calorie foods with little nutritional value, or other diet changes.

SOURCES: Reuters May 14, 2008

The problem is that most pople drink low fat milk which can make you fat rather than whole milk that does'nt

It’s common knowledge among farmers that pigs fed skimmed milk gain weight easily, whereas pigs fed whole milk stay lean. A 2005 study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, found that this holds true for humans as well. After following almost 13,000 children (ages 9-14 years) for three years, they found that weight gain was associated with drinking reduced-fat and skim milk. However, they also concluded that it wasn’t dairy fat itself that caused the weight gain, but rather the excess calories.

It seems that the butterfat in whole raw milk, particularly butterfat in milk from cows that graze freely on green pasture, contains unique nutrients that support thyroid function and help your body develop muscle rather than fat. Also whole milk from grass-fed cows is full of things that your body will thrive on: good bacteria, enzymes, raw fat, and cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), among other things, pasteurized milk is known to cause all kinds of health troubles, from digestive upset to perhaps even autism and diabetes.

Pasturised or processed milk laters the contned of milk so that some of the natural goodness is lost and it is not uncommon for people who switch to RAW milk to report that many of their health issues — from allergies, to digestive troubles, to skin issues like eczema, clear up.

However, milk allergies are a real issue for a lot of people, so if you have a severe milk or dairy allergy you will most likely want to limit or avoid even raw milk.

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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