Weight Loss a Resolution sets you up for the distinct possibility of failure. That’s because there is always the next January first to start over again. If you want long term behaviour changes, you can’t accomplish them with a one time statement. It has been proven to be that it takes at least 21 days to form a habit, so if you don’t continue to repeat and reinforce the mind set to lose weight and become healthy you will not change. Once you make the commitment to lose weight and focus on this goal here are some tips to implement in your efforts:
Begin by understanding to lose weight you must use more calories than you take in.
- Eat only when you are hungry. Hunger is the need to eat, appetite is the desire to eat. Ask yourself am I hungry, that is, feeling hunger pangs or general hunger or do I just want the food, because it gives me good feelings?
- If you enjoy the smell of fresh baked cookies and there is a plate in front of you, right after you have finished a full meal, WAIT! If after 15 minutes you still want the cookies because you are still hungry, take one.
- Start moving. The first step in a new exercise program does not require a marathon. You can start with a moderate walking program and once you start to feel the benefits of getting your body moving, you can add to it.
- Remove all the ‘goodies’ from the house. The holidays are over and you need to rid the house of “trigger” foods”. Those are foods that are difficult to eat in moderation such as chips, baked goods and candies.
- Spend time with people who are active and supportive of a healthy lifestyle. When you go shopping, stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store. The meat, dairy and produce are kept there. All of the goodies are in the centre of the store.
- Remember, that small changes are easy to make permanent, so the crazy fad diets that promise to make you lose 20 pounds a week always have the disclaimer, “results not typical”. Sure, that’s because they don’t work for most people. Moderation and healthy food choices works.
- Finally, don’t set yourself up for failure, use your mind to make wise food selections and allow yourself an occasional “treat”. It takes one day at a time to move forward, but as the days pass, new habits will replace old and you will see the weight drop steadily.
Here’s to your weight
loss success in 2009!
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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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