Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Health and Wellness - Getting your Body ready for the beach

Everyone has his or her idea of what their dream body should look like. What if I told you that you needed to mentally stretch before you can physically shrink. Stretch? But why stretch? Let me explain.

Weight loss is extremely simple. All you need to do is to consume less calories than you burn. With a caloric deficit, as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you will lose weight. Its not rocket science. But whoever has said that weight loss is easy, probably never really undertook a serious weight loss effort. Weight loss is simple but its not easy. Weight loss is going to be difficult.

All that you have been doing to date has resulted in the body that you have. The food that you have been eating and the exercise that you have not been doing have all contributed. You are what you eat!. But remember that your weight did not just happen to you! Your current weight is the sum result of all your choices. Nobody forced any food into your mouth at gun point. You ate the food by choice. No one stopped you from exercising. You chose not to exercise by choice. Remember that when it comes to weight loss, everything counts! Everything that you do is either adding to your weight or reducing it. You are probably in your comfort zone.

Most people trying to lose weight are in a comfort zone. They don’t want to do anything uncomfortable. They want to lose weight while going on with their lives the way it is. They want to lose weight while spending time in front of the TV. They want to lose weight while wanting to be able to overindulge in excess calories. They want their body to change but they don’t want to change!

Losing weight is going to require you to stretch out of this comfort zone. You are going to need to reorganize your schedule to include exercise as a high priority. You may have to sacrifice TV time or wake up an hour earlier in the morning. You may even have to sacrifice some family time! You will need to be wiser in food choices. Everything that you put into your mouth is going to help or hurt your weight loss efforts. You are going to have to cultivate discipline. Without discipline, you are never going to be able to be consistent with your weight loss efforts.

Cultivating all these weight loss habits is going to require effort. Its going to push you out of your comfort zone. Its going to make you uncomfortable. You are going to be forced to mentally stretch before you physically shrink. Your mind is going to have to stretch! Weight loss only occurs outside the comfort zone. Weight gain occurs in the comfort zone.

This is precisely why someone who goes for a tummy tuck or a liposuction, would probably not be able to maintain the weight loss. What habits have they cultivated that would help with weight loss. They forcibly shrunk physically without stretching mentally. This weight loss is never sustainable because its NOT Correct Weight Loss. Correct Weight Loss requires you to cultivate habits that will keep your body slim and trim for a lifetime. It is a lifestyle change. Take a look at the following to get you on the road.

Click Here for a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss for a health and wellness weight loss plan.

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