Health and Wellness - 10 simple weight loss tips
I hope with these simple tips you will be able to reach your weight loss goals.
- Do not miss meals. Eating raises your metabolism; skipping meals can slow your metabolism and under some circumstance switch your body to starvation mode which will conserve fat.
- Exercise regularly; making training part of your daily schedule. Exercise raises your metabolism and burns stored fat.
- Be selective with recipes by removing fats, salt, and sugar. You should also look for heathy alternatives such as low salt or low fat content.
- Eat a well-balanced diet containing the needed nutrients for best health. If necessary take additional vitamin and mineral supplement
- Take your time eating thoroughly chewing your food to sate your appetite.
- Eat no more than threes small meals and 2-3 snacks every day; not three large meals.
- You can kick start your metabolism by drinking a couple of glasses of warm water prior to breakfast.
- Find a friend with whom you can share your weight loss goals, maybe even having a friend competition to keep you on track.
- Drink 6-8 glasses of liquid throughout the day.
- If you are constantly tempted to “cheat” on your fasting program, perhaps take some appetite suppressant pills such as . Leanology Appetite Control Chews
Click Here for a free Video Fast Track to Fat Loss for a health and wellness weight loss plan.
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