Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

I was amazed yesterday, watching a TV program, how parents seem to care so little about the health and wellness of their children who have a weight problem. Obesity is a affecting children at an alarming rate and unless parents take some form of action to curb it many of the next generation will live much shorter lives, dying prematurely from diabetes and heart disease.

So what is going wrong, well for example the program showed a six year old who was over twice the normal weight of a person of her own age, in fact the mother was buying clothes for a 12 year old. Surely alarm bell should have been sounding. The child was eating the same,e food portions as her older siblings. Portion control was out of the window. An easy guide to portions is a portion should be no larger than a persons hand, try it for yourself, compare a portion of meat and a portion of veg that you put on your plate if each is larger than you hand you are overeating.

Exercise is very important and most children now have less exercise than their predecessors, the film showed youngsters who were out of breath, just from running to the front gate from the door of the house. Once the parents where made aware of some basic facts, such as the need to eat healthy fruit and vegetables and control portion sizes together with the who family going to the park for exercise, the children began to lose weight.

You see there is nothing difficult about losing weight its all a matter of controlling what you eat and ensuring the you exercise to burn of the excess calories that are stored as fat.

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