Desperate To Lose Weight
If you are finding it difficult to lose weight, here is a simple outline plan.
- Set a quantifiable weight-loss goal. - Don’t just say “To be lighter”. Instead, aim for a certain number.
Also Remember, the weight didn’t get there overnight. It won’t leave overnight either. This will take time.
- Pick a workout and stick with it for 6 weeks. - Be sure to log your results each time you work out.
- Plan out your meals in advance. - It’s a lot easier to follow through on good food-choices rather than make them on the spot, especially with a cheeseburger staring you down.
Remember not to overeat, but at the same time, don’t under eat, either.
*You can’t out train a bad diet. This step is crucial. If you’re not healthy with your food, you won’t lose weight.
- Drink a lot of water. - Water is your friend, whether or not you’re trying to lose weight. Aim to drink at least 64 oz. of water a day.
- Take a picture of yourself at the end of each week. - You’ll be able to see your weight loss success a lot easier when you have pictures side by side, versus just looking at yourself in the mirror (you see yourself everyday, gradual changes usually go unnoticed).
- Give yourself a treat every week. - (At most) One meal a week, go ahead and cheat. Eat what you want. Eat unhealthy. Enjoy yourself. Take advantage of this meal because it serves as a reward for doing so well during the rest of the week.
If you are desperate to lose weight check out the Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here
David Ogden- Helping People Help Themselves
Health and Fitness Coach
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