Advice On Home Business

Advice On Home Business

Desperate to lose weight

There is a quick and easy answer. Follow the 250:250 weight loss rule. It so simple and cost you nothing to try.

Gaining weight is the result of a simple mathematical equation. The weight gain formula goes like this...

Weight = Caloric Intake - Caloric Burn

The 250:250 weight loss rule results in a calorie deficit and subsequent weight loss. Simply put, eat fewer calories and burn excess calories through exercise to experience lasting weight loss. Here's how it works...

  1. Eat 250 fewer calories per day
  2. Burn 250 an extra calories per day
Is that simple enough for you?

By following the two steps of the 250:250 weight loss rule, you will create a 500 calorie deficit each day. Multiple this by 7 days a week and the result is a 3500 calorie deficit per week. Why is a 3500 calorie deficit per week important?

A 3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound of weight loss! Yes, it's that simple. No major lifestyle change is required. Forget about unhealthy fad diets and simply follow the 2 steps of the 250:250 rule. Lose 1 pound a week, 4 pounds a month, and an amazing 48 pounds in one year without any significant change to your life.

so lets look at it again if you are desperate to lose weight.

Step 1: Eat 250 Fewer Calories a Day

Eating 250 fewer calories a day is easy. I suggest that you focus on eating fewer carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates from desserts, bread, and potatoes not only pile on the weight, but also lead to the metabolic syndrome. Carbohydrates are the primary cause of diabetes, heart disease, and cancers.

A gram of carbohydrates are equal to 4 calories. So by eliminating 65 grams of carbs, you can reach the goal of eating 250 fewer calories each day. When dinner time comes along, just skip the french fries or the garlic bread and you will complete step one.

Step 2: Burn 250 More Calories a Day

Can you walk briskly for an hour? If you answered yes, than you can easily complete step two of the 250:250 weight loss rule. Don't like walking? No problem. Swim a few laps, take dancing lessons, start aerobics, or climb stairs and you can easily complete step two.

If you are desperate to lose weight check out the Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

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