I envision total family wellness through financial security, time freedom, and healthier homes. Does this sound like you & your family's priorities? If so, let's talk by phone or Skype! Life is short!
My number 1 goal is to reverse the failure rate in MLM by giving people the easiest program to duplicate and having long term customers for "True Residual Income" for LIFE! If you truly spend the time to evaluate Melaleuca, you will see why there is NO better program long term!
***Hot News*** $1.00 sign up (save $28.00) in Melaleuca until 6/30/10 until Midnight EST (USA and Canada only)!!! Customers ONLY need to spend $60/month to buy at wholesale, but will be saving at least $20 over store bought products and eliminating toxic chemicals!!!
My Bio: Number 1 is my family and family gatherings! I have 2 awesome daughters, one graduated from MSU in nursing on 12/08 and is full time at a big hospital! My other daughter is at college as a junior and plays rugby which I believe now to be the roughest sport there is! 3/10-She made the Michigan Allstar team and played in Chicago 4/10!!! Results: They won all of their games and will move up to Tier 1 next year! Congrats girls! Both of my daughters not only did well academically in HS, and excelled in soccer and snow skiing! They were 2 of only 4 girls in the history of the school to go to State Finals in snow skiing! I am very proud of their accomplishments! We scuba dive, snorkel, boat, jet ski, snow ski, snowmobile, and do many outdoor activities together! You can see some of our fun things we do below in the photo section. My business background is in the next paragraph.
I have been full time in MLM since 1990 and have pretty much seen it all! I have looked at MANY companies and this is the first time in my career that I have found my TRUE HOME for life! I always felt that I wanted to help young companies grow, but unfortunately the owners were short sighted and became greedy and cost me money and my downline! I was almost to the point that I believed that there were no ethical companies out there until NOW! My new company has a long term track record that speaks for itself! Get ready for a Whole New Concept of marketing called "Transfer Buying" which is not based on MLM principles! Instead of having people spend "New Money" they don't already spend, why not have people buy products they already buy from the stores & SAVE MONEY? Imagine that! If you feel the same way I do and want a home for life, we do need to talk! I am so thankful that I did not quit!
***Before I truly get started here, I want you to think about this NO MATTER what your focus is. Even if ALL you want to do is become a customer and not promote Melaleuca, consider that for your family's health if nothing else...How refreshing would it be if you could promote a program to anyone due to the fact that our products SAVE People Money over store bought products, Eliminate Toxins, and they Work Better? Suppose the average savings is about $150.00 per person per year! Suppose they are a GREEN company concerned about our environment as well by concentrating their products to reduce wasted plastic!
Suppose they have an extremely rewarding Compensation Plan (5 X 7 Expandable Matrix) that pays you on spillover too! Suppose they are in their 25th year and will top 1 Billion Dollars in sales this year as well as have almost 400 products to choose from!!! Suppose we are NOT a MLM company! Finally, Melaleuca's customer reorder rate is over 95%, which is unheard of in this industry, and the average customer order is $85.00! Simply "Switch Stores"!
Melaleuca is ranked # 15 out of the TOP 100 Home Based Businesses as far as revenue!
Countries we are in: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Bahamas, Mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and Germany (late, 2010).
*****Phone Sign up: If you are ready to sign up in Melaleuca, here is the info. for the USA & Canada. Call 1-800-262-0600. My ID # is 63466627 under Tom Sparrow. I will soon be changing that to my company name, Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. When they ask, I am the enroller, presenter, and marketing executive. I suggest ordering the Value Pack or Career Pack to start. Simple reason is you get 30% off the "Wholesale" price just once & you get to try several of their products! Once you have completed your order, the only thing you need to do is to mail or fax in the Customer Member Agreement & the Independent Marketing Executive Application which I will email you unless you already received my emails.
My wife and I ordered the Value Pack. One other major reason is you can only order these packs up to 2 full months after you sign up. If you don't get one of these packs, you could potentially lose over $40,000.00 in bonus money as you advance!!! Even as just a customer, you are saving about $100.00 off of wholesale pricing too! It is well worth it! Someday even customers may want to share it & you do not want to miss out on all the advancement bonus'! Also, if there is anything you don't like that you receive in either pack, simply call them & they will send you any replacement product you want at NO COST! You do NOT have to ship it back!
If you are in any other country outside the USA & Canada (listed above), you need to contact me for the correct forms to be emailed you with all the information on there to setup. Each country has separate forms, pricing, etc... I have access to all these forms to email you. We have in the works right now to go worldwide, Germany is next on the slate, but if you setup all the countries, this will handle everything!!! I am truly excited to be a part of Melaleuca today!!!*****
My Blogs totally explain my new direction to help everyone succeed! SUCCESS depends on what company you choose for a home based business long term! I should know after 20 years full time! I tried to help a lot of new & young companies grow, but due to greedy owners that cost me my downline time and time again, I had to make a very serious decision about my direction for life! No longer would I ever do a new or young company again, nor would I ever work any of these Compensation Plans: Binary, Breakaway, Unilevel, Hydrids, etc...A Matrix is by far the best for everyone! "Transfer Buying" instead of spending "New Money" is what separates this company from ALL the MLMs out there!
6/6/10 Blog revised on Why Do So Many People Turn Away When You Mention MLM? Are There Truly Any Good Companies Out There?
If you are into Health, Wellness, Skin Care, Body Care, and several other product areas, let's talk soon! This is my main program that I will be promoting for life!
We have chosen healthier lifestyles, time with our families, and financial peace of mind. We are dedicated to helping others choose the same for their families. We are Family First!
We are families who said YES to:
* Healthier Lifestyles * Preventative Health Care * safer and Effective Household Products * Being Home With Your Children and Loved Ones * Family Vacations * Field Trips, Concerts, and Sports * Financial Security * Saving Money on TAXES * Fully Funded College Educations * Solid Retirement
We are families who said NO to:
* High Medical Expenses * Household Toxins * Lack of Energy * High pressure * Rigid Schedules & Long Hours * Job Insecurity * Excessive Stress at Home & Work * High Credit Card Debt * Empty Savings Accounts * Stock Market Volatility
Do you sometimes feel stressed, tired, depressed? Or maybe you feel like losing some extra weight? And what about some serious conditions such as:
* Arthritis * Multiple Sclerosis * Fibromyalgia * High Blood Pressure * Diabetes * Heart Disease * Cancer * Depression * High Cholesterol
There are a variety of factors contributing to many of these conditions. We are a family committed to helping each other, and our families, achieve physical wellness.
Did You Know?
* There are more than 3 million poisonings every year. * Household cleaners are the #1 cause of poisonings in children. * Regular shampoos often contain formaldehyde as a preservative . * Since 1980 asthma has increased by 600%. * Common household products have been identified as triggers of asthma. * A 15 year study found that women who worked at home had a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who had jobs outside the home. * Manufacturers ARE NOT required to list the exact ingredients on a label. * Chemical names are often disguised by using "trade names", so you may not recognize the chemical for what it truly is. * A women's fertility has also been negatively affected by the increased use of chemicals. In 1934 only 21 cases of endometriosis existed in the entire world. Today, in the US alone, over 5 million women have this condition which causes infertility.
Why Should We Worry About Toxic Chemicals?
# According to the EPA, most homes have airborne concentrations of hazardous chemicals that are two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. # According to the EPA, toxic chemicals found in the home are three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor airborne pollutants. # The Consumer product safety Commission connects 150 chemicals commonly found in our homes to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. # The National Cancer Institute has a list of twenty known carcinogens and over 2,200 chemicals that are probable carcinogens. Many of these chemicals are in the cleaners and personal care products you buy at your local grocery store.
Financial Wellness:
* Are you currently in debt? * Do you find that you are working hard just to make ends meet? * Have you saved enough money for a comfortable retirement? * Have you ever wanted to spend more time traveling? * Could you use an extra $500.00 - $1,000.00 every month or more? * Wouldn't is be nice if it came in every month forever after you got there?
Personal/Family Wellness:
When was the last time you took a real family vacation or a weekend away with a friend? How about volunteering at school or seeing every single piano recital or ballet performance? Why don’t you surprise your family with a cruise to Alaska this year? For some of us, just taking time for ourselves is a long forgotten indulgence. Whatever you are into and whoever is important to you in your life, those are the times you’ll cherish and we want to help provide you the time freedom to pursue those important goals.
Our family has a proven plan for success. We work for ourselves but not by ourselves. We are all on a team together and help everyone on our team to achieve success if they so desire! We absolutely love working from home!
Work From Home:
Your Family First is a team geared toward making a significant difference in your family's physical, financial and environmental wellness.
We are families searching for true freedom! Freedom to enjoy life the way we want to without worrying about the future. We all share a common belief that a healthier and wealthier lifestyle will be ours. And we have realized that we will not attain that lifestyle working for someone else.
What would you like to achieve for your family?
* Have more time to spend with your family? * Replace Your Current Full-Time Income working Part-Time From Home? * Create additional monthly Income? * Work from home and create true financial independence?
We are not distributors or salespeople. We do not inventory or sell products, chase after people for money, or make large investments to get started.
Our family has said:
* No Big Investment * No Selling * No Product Inventories * No Employees * No Order Taking Or Deliveries To Make * No Stress * No Complicated Book Keeping Or Paperwork * No Multi Level Marketing (I will explain this when we talk) * No Traditional Business Overhead * No Risk
We are people who work FOR ourselves, yet not BY ourselves. Our proven success system provides you with:
* Free Personalized Web Site - to advertise your business * Free Personal Mentoring * Free Online Conference Room * Free Automated Follow-Up System * Free Training Center * Global Marketing Potential * Live Presentations Online and Offline * Unique Consumable Products and Services * Free Weekly Email Updates * Free Training on our Proven Marketing System
Family First Values and Beliefs:
* Every member of Family First must have the opportunity to fulfill their goals and dreams, and have the ability to work toward them part-time or full-time. The financial and recognition rewards must be limitless, compelling and achievable within our framework of Family First values. * The Family First leadership team must have the integrity, experience and success to mentor, coach and inspire every member to achieve their goals at their own pace. * The Family First business system provided to every member must be simple to learn and use, be proven, internet-based, and flexible to accommodate the diverse skills and needs of our members. * Family First's manufacturing and sales partner must have a solid and experienced management team; provide exceptional and unique environmentally sensitive products for the home, as well as personal health and wellness, AND deliver them below retail cost to regular customers. * Family First members must incur NO financial risk and have a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.
Why not put Your Family First? Contact me for an online presentation for this wonderful opportunity to join us on our family mission!
After 20 years full time in MLM at home, I have discovered the true secret to appeal to everyone, no matter what they are promoting! Even if you don't want to switch primary programs, why not use the TOOLS that we ALL need plus additional income sources? Many people asked me why I am doing multiple programs! It is SIMPLE! Multiple streams of income, and I want to help them to do well in whatever program is their primary!
Supreme 2X2 has TOOLS to support any program + fast income, Money Fish has over 3,000 TOOLS, and Royal Cruise Matrix can earn you a large income! I added the Join4aDollar program for those who are truly destitute and need a start with a tiny investment.
SUPREME 2X2 CYCLER MATRIX + TOOLS: EASY and FAST income! You only need 6 people to cycle in this Matrix!!! TOOLS to build ANY business and fast income for you and your team! Cycle multiple times at $100 each time! It is a follow me Matrix too! Simplicity is the KEY here! I joined 01/14/10 and this is by far the easiest and fastest money maker I have ever seen! 6 people under you with a 1 time fee of $33.00 and you cycle, receiving $100.00!!! You then re-enter a NEW Matrix again and again! You could easily cycle many times in 1 day at $100.00 each time! They have some valuable tools you can use to promote any program too!
MONEY FISH TOOLS: Next, people need to join Money Fish for just $11.11 to access over 3,000 TOOLS to build ANY business! We ALL need these tools and to have them ALL in one program is unbelievable! Simply click on "Products" to see the true value you receive!!! FREE to download and use these products!
ROYAL CRUISE MATRIX TRAVEL + LARGE PAYOUTS: Do you want to generate a Large Income in a program that has the true potential to turn around your financial situation? Pre-Launch was on 11/09/09! Watch the videos (main page and pay plan page) and then listen to the recorded conference calls here and join now! ONLY $100 (no monthly fees) and an income potential of over $32,000 again and again! If you simply bring in 2 people and they do the same, you WILL cycle and move onto the next Matrix.
Missed the Live Call? 24hr Conference Play Back Playback Number: 1-641-715-3529 Access Code: 803026#
BUY A Coke or $300K potential? For the cost of a coke . . . . . . you can be on your way to earning $300K. $1.00 puts you in our 'Join4aDollar' feeder program! Everyone can afford to risk one buck to gain thousands. Join Now: ==>
My daughter's winning college Rugby Team at Grand Valley State University in Michigan! My daughter is in the back row, 4th from the left! Proud dad congratulates GVSU and my daughter, Shaena!!! Great job! They lost in the final 4, but played with heart and in the toughest game where they were huge underdogs, they went into 2 over times!!! March, 2009! AWESOME JOB GIRLS! UPDATE: April, 2010-Shaena made the Michigan All Star Team & will play in Chicago area 4/23/10 to 4/25/10! Great job Shaena! UPDATE: The Michigan Team Won ALL their games & will most likely move up to Tier 1 next season! AWESOME JOB GIRLS!!!
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Take care because I care
Dee Hudson
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